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Academic Personnel Services APS


What We Do: How Academic Personnel Services (APS) Serves UC San Diego

In addition to processing thousands of academic personnel actions each year, APS also serves the academic populations on campus in other ways. For details about the functions of this office, see below.

Advancement: Appointments and Review Actions

APS coordinates the appointment and review process for files for which the Chancellor and Executive Vice Chancellor have final authority, and those requiring campus-level review (review by the Committee on Academic Personnel, campus ad hoc committees, the Project Scientist and Specialist Review Panel, the Academic Administrator and Coordinator Review Panel). In addition, APS is responsible for post-auditing and maintaining academic review files for which the deans have final authority.

Compensation: Salary Scales and Payroll Actions

APS supports compensation programs for academic employee at UCSD, including implementation of local and systemwide salary programs (e.g., range adjustments), faculty administrator compensation, additional compensation, and more.

Employee Relations: Conflict Advising and Intervention

APS advises and consults with faculty and academic administrators on Academic Employee Relations matters, including advising departments regarding faculty discipline, collaborating with administrators to manage cases, and facilitating mediation and negotiations.

Labor Relations: Liaison for Collective Bargaining

APS serves as the liaison with campus labor relations and the UC Office of the President for issues related to collective bargaining and contract administration for Unit 18 lecturers. APS also serves as a liaison for other represented appointees.

Campus Oversight: Leadership and Analysis

The APS units provide consultation and advice and policy interpretation to campus constituents on all aspects of the academic personnel program.

EVC Action Processing: Leaves, Accommodations, and More

APS coordinates the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs approval process for requests for leaves and sabbaticals, family accommodations, Conflict of Commitment pre-approvals, additional compensation, and other actions.

Policies: Development, Analysis, Revision, Implementation, and Interpretation

APS manages the development, analysis, revision, implementation, and interpretation of current campus policies for academic appointees in UC San Diego’s Policy and Procedure Manual and in UC’s Academic Personnel Manual.

Procedures: Campus Liaison for System-wide Discussions

APS serves as the liaison with the Office of the President’s systemwide academic personnel office and with other UC campuses in order to ensure that UCSD’s needs and concerns are addressed and to share best practices systemwide.

Programs: Family Accommodations and Partner Opportunities Program

APS provides campus family accommodation guidance and referrals via a campus liaison and assists with employment searches for spouses or partners of current and prospective General Campus ladder-rank faculty and senior managers who hold academic appointments via the Partner Opportunities Program (POP). POP services include assessing employment needs, arranging job contacts and informational interviews, and serving as a resource for information regarding employment opportunities.

Records: Custodian and Office of Record

APS serves as the proprietor and custodian for many academic personnel records, including review files, leave and sabbatical requests, compensation and salary data, recruitment reports, and requests to waive the search process.

Recruitment: Employment Actions

This program helps ensure equal employment opportunity for academic employees. In addition to carefully monitoring recruitments, APS collects data on employment actions for quantitative analysis, sets hiring placement goals, identifies problem areas, and helps to implement action-oriented steps that address areas of concern, ensure equity in employment, and enhance the diversity of the academic community.

Reporting: Campus AP Data

APS generates annual data reports for a number of offices, provides guidance for related task forces, and responds to numerous ad hoc data requests. See our reports page for more information.

Tools: File and Data Management

APS currently develops AP On-Line, a system that will ultimately allow all academic personnel processes, from recruitments to leave requests, to be managed electronically. With AP On-Line, APS’s goal is to improve both the efficiency and transparency of all academic personnel processes at UCSD.

Training: Staff Classes, Process Manuals, and Faculty Development

APS provides training and development for staff and participates in development of programs related to academic personnel for faculty and faculty administrators.