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Academic Personnel Services APS

Academic Compensation Form and Application Deadlines

Please see below for the processing timelines needed for receiving actions processed on time.  

Action Type: Deadline: Form Location
Entry Level Salary Agreement

Six months prior to the following year's recruitment season.

Kuali Build
Faculty Salary Exchange Program/Faculty Leverage Program (FSEP/FLP)

One full quarter (or three months) in advance of payroll effective dates of the request.

Fall Requests Deadline: 4/1

Winter Requests Deadline: 8/1

Spring Requests Deadline: 12/1

Example: Please submit Fall Quarter FSEP requests by April of the previous year since payroll dates for fall begin July 1st.

Kuali Build
Part-time Faculty Administrator Compensation Approval Requests

One full quarter (or three months) in advance of payroll effective dates of the request.

Fall Requests Deadline: 4/1

Winter Requests Deadline: 8/1

Spring Requests Deadline: 12/1

Example: A Department Chair packet should be submitted by April 1st to process in time for July's summer salary entry.

Kuali Build
Overload Teaching Requests

One full quarter (or three months) in advance of payroll effective dates of the request.

Fall Requests Deadline: 4/1

Winter Requests Deadline: 8/1

Spring Requests Deadline: 12/1

Kuali Build
One-time Payments (e.g. honoraria and awards) One month before date of event/s.  See MLA/OTP Page
Multilocation Agreements

One full quarter (or three months) in advance of payroll effective dates of the request.

Fall Requests Deadline: 4/1

Winter Requests Deadline: 8/1

Spring Requests Deadline: 12/1

See MLA/OTP Page
General Campus Compensation Plan Applications May 1st to Academic Personnel Services. Schools and Units will have earlier internal deadlines set by them to meet this deadline. See Salary Programs and Scales page, GCCP Drawer.