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Academic Personnel Services APS

Department Chair's Toolkit

The Department Chair's Toolkit houses UC and UC San Diego policies, procedures, portal links, and other resources of interest to chairs of academic departments. Documents prepared for this page, to be of use for chairs and administrators, are designated as Chair's Tools. This page will expand as more are received. Please visit the links below to access resources and contact Gabriel Lopez at with any feedback or suggestions.

Abusive Conduct and Anti-Bullying Guidance

Abusive Conduct & Bullying Guidance (houses  information about campus resources for department chairs to help chairs respond to reports of faculty bullying or abusive conduct. Department Chairs may also request a detailed Abusive Conduct Toolkit for Administrators by writing to AVC Cynthia Palmer (for General Campus and SIO departments) or Daniel Zummo at (for departments and divisions in Health Sciences).

Academic and Faculty Affairs

Academic Calendar

Academic Salary Scales

Distribution and Contacts Lists 

Summary of General Campus Department Chair Duties

System-wide APM – 245 Appointment and Promotion policy for Department Chairs

UC San Diego PPM 230-2 Appointment and Review of Department Chairs 

Academic Personnel Services (houses the offices of Advancement and Training, Compensation and Data Reporting, Academic Diversity and Equal Opportunity (soon to be OARS), Academic Employee Relations, Academic Family Programs, Academic Information Systems and Data Management, Academic Policy Development, and the Partner Opportunities Program.  Additionally provides reference materials, taskforce Reports, AP forms, and more)

Academic Personnel - Useful Links for Faculty (houses links to assistance programs, benefits, career development awards, Conflict of Commitment policy, evaluations, the Faculty Mentoring Program, Family Accommodations, orientation resources, Policies, and Standing Orders of the Regents, and more)

Academic Senate (houses CAP documents like “Where CAP Stood,” Standing Committee Lists, Senate Grant funding programs for research and travel, and more)

Blink Faculty Resources (houses a link hub for campus faculty resources, including those for managing classes, conducting research, logging in to all campus academic systems and libraries, and finding housing and childcare)

Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Office (houses pages and links for Faculty Funding and Awards Opportunities, Academic Job Opportunities, Faculty Resources  for instruction, innovation, and collaboration, and more)

Faculty Code of Conduct 

UC San Diego Office of Postdoctoral and Visiting Scholar Affairs (houses Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Postdoctoral Scholar Mentoring guidelines, information for Campus Administrators and Faculty about Visiting Scholars appointments, Postdoc policy and announcements, a link to Postdoctoral PX contract, and more)

UCOP APM 025 Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members, APM - 670, Health Sciences Compensation Plan and APM - 671, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Health Sciences Plan Participants

UCOP Faculty Handbook 

UC San Diego Faculty Mentoring Program 

Administration, Business, and Finance

Campus Notices & Flyers (houses recent and archived emails sent by the Chancellor, the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, and other administrators to staff and faculty.)

Blink COI: Conflict of Interest Guidance for UCSD Employees 

Blink COI: Conflict of Interest for Graduate Students / Postdoctoral Scholars

Blink COI: Conflict of Commitment / Outside Professional Activities (Faculty relevant) 

Blink Meetings and Entertainment: Standard Entertainment (houses types and purposes of standard entertainment, fund source restrictions, per-person maximums, links for reimbursement and payments, approval authority parameters, and more)

Blink Travel (houses receipt requirements, mileage rates, per diem information, car rentals, reimbursement information, travel laws, and more)

Blink UC San Diego Deficit Balance Analytics

Risk Services UC traveler insurance coverage (houses detailed information about the university's business travel coverage, but employees need to register out-of-state and foreign travel. Upon registration, employees receive a trip registration card confirming coverage and a toll-free emergency number. In-state travel is also covered, but registration is not required.)

UC San Diego UCPath Website (a site launched in June of 2018 with updates to the UCPath process and deployment timeline for arrival at UC San Diego) 

UCOP Entertainment Expense Policy 

UCOP Travel Regulations Policy

UCOP Whistleblower (houses policies, FAQ, training, campus resource contacts, hotline numbers, and information for reporting Improper governmental activities such as such as corruption, bribery, theft or misuse of university property, fraudulent claims, fraud, coercion, willful omission to perform duty, economic waste, gross misconduct, gross incompetence or gross inefficiency; or any condition that may significantly threaten the health or safety of employees or the public)

UC San Diego Brand Guidelines (houses brand story, logos, letterhead/stationary Information, web presence, templates, brand applications, and more)

Campus Contacts for Chairs and Sr. Administrators

Chair's Tool: Campus Contacts for Chairs and Sr. Administrators, provided by the office of Academic Personnel Services (with the gracious help of many advisory offices)

Campus Maps, Parking, and Transportation

Transportation Services UC San Diego Maps

Transportation Services Parking at UC San Diego (houses links for permit information, lot maps, citation mitigation and more)

Transportation Services (houses links for commuting/alternative transportation, campus shuttle schedules, campus mobility services, safety escorts, Triton Bikes, and UC San Diego ProRide for Faculty (a no-cost, on campus Lyft-like service for academic appointees))


Blink Donor and Fund Stewardship (houses links to a list of endowed chairs, endowed chair policies and guidelines, gift acknowledgement, naming agreements, and more)

Blink How To page for creating endowed chairs and professorships and making appointments to endowed chairs 

UC San Diego Alumni (houses calendar of events, alumni donor articles, community for alumni, Triton Magazine, and more)

UC Regents Policy and Administrative Guidelines on Support Groups, Campus Foundations, and Alumni Associations

Environmental Health and Safety

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Chair's Tool: LGBT Resource Center - At Glance for UC San Diego Department Chairs, provided by the LGBT Resource Center

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (houses campus resources, a Diversity Initiatives Database, grant funding opportunities, campus initiatives, links to Campus Community Centers, and more)

Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion (houses resources for inclusive faculty recruitment and retention, Faculty Equity Advisor Program, faculty development and leadership programs, Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, faculty peer mediation, faculty affinity-based networks, and consultations)

Facilities and Space

Academic Affairs Space and Facilities Unit (houses local office space guidelines, CPEC space planning guidelines, classroom and lab state utilization standards, a process for submitting a space request page, information about capital projects, renovations, facilities inventory, and relocating a UC San Diego Office or Lab, and more)

Blink Facilities Management

UC San Diego Art Galleries

UC San Diego Language Lab Facilities

Blink UC San Diego Lactation Accommodation Facilities

UC San Diego Stuart Collection

UC San Diego Theatre District

UC San Diego Recreational Facilities

Graduate Education

UC San Diego Graduate Division Resources for Faculty (houses online portals for evaluations and committee memberships, relevant deadlines, policies and procedures pertaining to graduate students, department/program contacts, reports on graduate education, campus resources, and more)

UC San Diego Graduate Student Association Community Awards (houses annual information regarding GSA awards that include those for faculty mentorship and teaching of graduate students)

UC San Diego Teaching + Learning Commons Programs for Graduate Students (houses multiple resources for graduate teaching)

Human Resources and Compliance

Chair's Tool: Planning for Faculty Retirement: A Guide for General Campus Department Chairs

Chair's Tool: UC San Diego CARE at the Sexual Assault Resource Center Department Chair Reference Sheet, provided by CARE at the Sexual Assault Resource Center

Chair's Tool: UC San Diego DCC Department Chair Information Sheet, provided by the Office of DisAbility Counseling & Consulting

Chair's Tool: UC San Diego FSAP Department Chair Information Sheet, provided by the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program

Chair's Tool: UC San Diego Office of the Ombuds: Chair's Guide to Our Services, provided by the Office of the Ombuds

Chair's Tool: UC San Diego OPHD Chairs' Resource Sheet, provided by the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination

Blink About Labor Relations(houses collective bargaining agreement links, unions information for UC San Diego, Personnel Policies for Staff Members, and more)

Blink Background Checks(houses information regarding university-performed background checks for “critical” staff (faculty do not receive background checks))

Blink Equal Opportunity / Nondiscrimination / Nonharrassment(houses links to affiliated offices like OPHD, campus disability access guidelines policy, and more)

Blink Human Resources (houses a hub for all Human Resources areas and an HR Toolbox with log-in links for all the most popular HR-related tools on Blink)

Blink Layoff / Reduction in Time at UCSD (houses links to university and state guidelines, facts by collective bargaining agreements, and more)

Blink UC Personnel Policies for Staff Members (UCPPSM) and UCSD Implementing Procedures 

Blink Work/Life Express(houses a hub for work/life resources and employee well-being sites) -

CARE at the Sexual Assault Resource Center (SARC)(houses referral information pages for those who’ve been sexually assaulted (or provide mentorship for those who’ve been assaulted), program and workshop schedules, reporting options for the survivor, counseling and help for students, faculty, and staff impacted by dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking)

Death resources – Blink When an Employee Dies: Department Checklist

Death resources – Policy on Notification in the Event of a Student Death 

Death resources – In Memoriam Biographies/Tributes and Campus Notices for Senate Faculty

DisAbility Counseling and Consulting Office(houses information on interactive process facilitation, links to mobility services on campus, Liberty Mutual Disability Counseling FAQs, ASL and Caption Coordination, and more)

Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (Office of the Chancellor program--houses Overview for Faculty on policies and procedures, UC San Diego Contacts and Resources links, Annual Reports, resources outside UC San Diego, a “Report Bias” form where complaints may be submitted, and more)

Office of the Ombuds (houses resources for faculty, postdocs, students and staff)

Information Technology

Blink Checking Your UCSD Email from the Web

Blink Email Policies 

Blink IT Help

Blink Information Technology Services (houses system status alerts, IT News, current IT initiatives, contact information, and more)

Blink Responsible Computing Use Policy

Blink Tools (houses all e-tools, portals, applications, and university log-in interfaces, in an alphabetically ordered index)

Blink TritonEd Log in

Blink Virtual Private Networks (VPN) at UC San Diego (houses detailed information for getting connected to UCSD servers from home or remote locations)

International Faculty and Scholars

International Faculty & Scholars Office (houses immigration news updates, I-94 retrieval link, tax filing information, emergency information for scholars, visa resources for scholars and units, and more)

IFSO H1-B Specialty Occupation - Overview and Eligibility

IFSO J1-1 Exchange Visitors

IFSO List serve for Department Administrators (houses news updates, immigration policy and FAQs, info for Visiting Scholars, and more)

IFSO Permanent Residency

Research and Technology

Academic Senate UCSD Policy on Integrity of Scholarship, Appendix 2

Blink Funding Resources for Researchers

Blink Timely Submission of Proposals (houses proposal submission deadlines, a checklist for PIs, an OCGA FAQ, and more) - 

Blink Office of Research Affairs (houses links for finding funding opportunities, building collaborations with industry, the Office of Contracts and Grants for fellowship and grant questions, and more)

ERAP's Research Administration Reports

Office of Contracts and Grant Administration (OCGA)

Office of Research Affairs (houses ORU links, sponsored research tab, international affairs tab, information for postdoctoral students and visiting scholars and more)

Research Affairs Office of Innovation and Commercialization (houses entrepreneur resources, research resources, community and industry leader resources, University IP Policies and Guidelines, intellectual property guidance, patent guidelines, and more)

UCOP Copyright (houses links to current copyright policies, system-wide resources, UC Presidential Policies, and more)

UCOP Disclosure of Financial Interests and Management of Conflicts of Interest, National Science Foundation Awards (Policy NSFCOIDisclosure) 

UC IRB Reliance Registry / UC MOU

UCOP Innovation Services (Inventor Share policy)

UCOP Licensing Guidelines

UC San Diego Human Research Protection Program (houses Fact Sheets for many types of research protocols, relevant checklists, IRB-services, related UC and federal references, and more

UCSD Internal Funding & Limited Submissions (houses new InfoReady portal for applying for some of the funding opportunities that are managed by UC San Diego, such as the Chancellor's Research Excellence Scholarships (CRES), Center Launch, and limited-submission competitions))

UC San Diego Library Research and Collections (houses links to resources for finding books, articles, databases, subject and course guides, data curations and special collections) 

UC San Diego PPM 100-4 Integrity of Research Policy and Procedures

University of California, San Diego Human Research Protections Program Institutional Review Board Standard Operating Policies and Procedures, Section 3.19, Collaboration with other UCSD Committees

Student Affairs

Chair's Tool: Working with Students with Disabilities: 5 Things for Faculty and Administrators to Know, provided by the Office for Students with Disabilities

Academic Integrity Office (houses AI Instructor Report form and an Anonymous Integrity Violation Report form for students, process pages for what happens when cheating/violations are reported, academic integrity campus reports, and more) 

Basic Needs Resources (houses all resource departments and services for students on campus)

Blink Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Team 

Blink Confidentiality of Student Records Overview(houses FERPA information, links to online FERPA courses, FERPA FAQ, the relevant PPM, advising resources and more)

Blink Students of Concern: Tips and Resources 

Blink Student Travel(houses information about what is considered UCSD Business-Related Travel or Scholarship/Fellowship travel for students)

Blink Triton Concern Line(houses information on how to determine a student is a "student of concern," helpful contacts, and more resources)

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)(houses links for resources, services, referrals, video tutorials, mental health pamphlets, a CAPS app for students, and more) 

CAPS Help Center: Dealing with Loss, Disasters, & Traumatic Events(houses CAPS, UC San Diego, County, and Nationwide resources for students)

Emergency Loans for Students(short-term, $500-1000, not for registration fees)

Freedom of Speech and Expression Resources(houses links to UC San Diego Policy on Free Speech, Advocacy and Distribution of Literature on University Grounds, on-campus resources, off-campus legal reference documents and organizations, and more)

Online Confidential Mental Health Screening (students can self-assess and receive confidential results and resources)

TritonLink Academic Calendars(houses academic and administrative, billing due dates, enrollment and registration, final exam schedule, placement examination schedule, and summer session calendars)

TritonLink Office for Students with Disabilities(houses information about accommodation types, campus services, referring students to resources,and more)

TritonLink Student Code of Conduct(houses policy that includes definitions of specific violations, roles and responsibilities in the event of misconduct, and more)

TritonLink Student Policies and Procedures (houses policy that includes process and procedure for a student grievance with many relevant links to UC, UCSD, and Federal resources)

TritonLink Student Life (houses links for student-run media outlets, student government associations, campus resources for events and enrichment, greek life, student involvement/organizations, and more)

TritonLink Withdrawalresources for graduate and undergraduate students

UCOP Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations and Students 140.00 Guidelines Applying to Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability

UC San Diego Academic Senate Appendix 3: Policy on Students with Disabilities and Steps for Academic Accommodation

UC San Diego General Catalog

UC San Diego Principles of Community

Teaching and Learning

Blink Instructional Resources (houses links for academic calendars, course management information, the grading system, technical support for the grading system and TritonEd, Student Class List info, various links for helping students and more)

Course and Professor Evaluations (CAPE) (houses search evaluation results (no comments visible), FAQ for instructors, information about customizing evals, and more)  

Education Technology Services Faculty (houses links for accounts and passwords, clickers, flipped, online, and hybrid courses, Google apps for courses, instructional computing plan and tools and services, TritonEd LMS Course Sites and more)

Faculty Career Development Program (FCDP)(houses an internal grant funding opportunity that helps junior tenure-track Senate faculty obtain course relief while in pursuit of tenure; some other expenditures may also be part of this)

UC system-wide Academic Senate Regulations of the Academic Senate

UC San Diego Teaching + Learning Commons Faculty Programs, Services, & Resources Brochure  (houses an overview for faculty about the Teaching + Learning Center, relevant links and contact information by service, pedagogy theory on the center, information about affiliated programs, resources for graduate students, and more)

UC San Diego Teaching + Learning Commons Getting Started – Teaching at UC San Diego (houses course logistics, IT help with podcasting your course, TritonEd help, Library Resources, Student Academic Support resources, instruction tools, and more)

UC San Diego Academic Senate Educational Policies (houses policies on academic degrees, academic integrity, curriculum and enrollment, courses, grading and GPA calculations, Senate regulations, student instructional support, and petitions)

UC San Diego Academic Senate Educational Policy Committee (EPC) Policies on Courses, Policy on Examinations

UC, UC San Diego, and UC Regents Policies