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Academic Personnel Services APS

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Sources of Additional Compensation

  • General additional compensation policy (APM - 660).
  • Summer Session teaching (APM - 661).
  • University Extension teaching (APM - 662).
  • UC Faculty Consultant Services (APM - 664).
  • Honoraria (APM - 666).
  • Extramurally funded research (APM - 667). (Also see "Additional Summer Compensation," below.)


Faculty with full-time academic year (nine month) appointments may not receive additional compensation from University sources for services directly related to their recognized duties during the academic year (from the beginning of the Fall Quarter, as established in the University calendar, through the end of the Spring Quarter).

Faculty with full-time fiscal year (twelve month) appointments may not receive additional compensation from University sources for services directly related to their recognized duties unless it is earned/paid during the vacation period.

UC San Diego Guidelines for Implementation:

Additional Faculty Consulting on University Projects Compensation

UCSD Supplement to APM-664


A UCSD faculty member is permitted, on occasion, to receive additional compensation for serving as a consultant on projects conducted under the auspices of the University if all of the following conditions are met:

  1. The faculty member is not regularly engaged on the project, and
  2. The contract or grant allows such compensation for consultants, and
  3. Necessary pre-approvals (as outlined below) have been obtained prior to the consulting activities.

Pre-Approval Requirements

  1. Federal grantor agency approval must be obtained in writing prior to any intra-university consulting activity involving federal funds.
  2. The Chancellor of the faculty member’s home campus must pre-approve the consulting arrangement.
  3. The Chancellor, Laboratory Director, or equivalent official of the host campus must pre-approve the negotiated consultant rate.

Compensation Limit

Faculty consultants are paid at a negotiated rate. The maximum amount per day which is permitted is the daily rate plus an additional 30 percent which may be paid in consideration of the fact that there are no benefits for such services.

  • Academic-year daily rate = faculty member’s regular annual divided by 171.
  • Fiscal-year daily rate = faculty member’s regular annual salary divided by 236.

Local Procedures

Please consult One-Time Payment and Multi-Location Agreement Processing for relevant instructions.

Note: For faculty providing consulting services to Los Alamos National Security, LLC (LANS) and/or Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC (LLNS), the ROS Compensation Rate Approval Form for UC Faculty Providing Services to LANS/LLNS must be completed.

Relevant Job Aid

How to Manage Multi-Location Appointments
This job aid describes the system processes for inter-location one-time payment (e.g., Honorarium), temporary inter-location appointments, and multi-location appointments.

Related Policies

APM – 600: Additional Compensation/General

APM – 110-4(14): Definition of faculty titles

APM – 380: Faculty Consultant

APM – 664: Additional Compensation/ Services as Faculty Consultant


Additional Overload Teaching Compensation

Faculty may receive additional compensation for overload teaching in self-supporting programs.  Please refer to the guidelines below for complete details.

Overload Teaching Guidelines (pdf) (12/7/2015)

To submit an Overload Teaching Request, please complete and submit this form.

Additional Summer Compensation

Faculty with academic year appointments may receive several types of additional compensation during the summer recess as outlined in section 600, Appendix 1, in the Academic Personnel Manual. They may receive compensation for extramurally funded research projects, summer session teaching, or by special agreement (i.e. as part of their recruitment package at the time of hire). The total amount of additional summer compensation must not exceed three ninths (including payments from Summer Session and University Extension) of a faculty member's normal annual salary. The summer compensation pay rate is based upon the faculty member’s salary effective 7/1 of the current year except for Summer Session appointments, which are based on the annual rate effective 6/30.

Special considerations

The summer service period is the day after the end of Spring quarter through day prior to the first day of Fall quarter as noted on the official Academic and Administrative Calendar. Using the standard summer service period dates, an academic year faculty member may, if funding is available, receive ½ ninth additional summer compensation in June, one ninth in July, one ninth in August and ½ ninth in September.

Due to the fact that some extramurally funded research projects are not made effective until July 1, a faculty member may choose to instead use the alternate pay period dates 7/1-9/30. In this scenario, the faculty member would receive one ninth each for July, August and September, provided funding is available.

Working Days

During the summer, 19 days represents full-time work for one month or a 1/9th payment. Below is the breakdown of days worked to 9ths earned:

  • 0.5 /9th= 9.5 days
  • 1/9th= 19 days
  • 1.5/9ths= 28.5 days
  • 2/9ths= 38 days
  • 2.5/9ths= 47.5 days
  • 3/9ths= 57 days

Retirement Contribution on Academic Appointee Summer Salary

Effective 7/01/2001, summer compensation that many academic appointees earn for teaching, research or administrative service has become eligible for contributions towards the Defined Contribution Plan Pretax Account. The eligibility criteria is that they have an academic year appointment; are active members of UCRP or a defined benefit plan to which UC contributes; and earn eligible summer salary as defined above.

The total contribution rate will be 7% of eligible summer salary, split 50/50 between the employer and the employee. Contribution will be made through pretax salary reduction. 

"Compensation that many academic appointees receive for summer session teaching, research or administrative service ('summer salary') is not considered covered compensation for determining UC primary retirement benefits. Therefore, the Summer Salary Benefit (SSB) is designed to provide a retirement benefit based on eligible summer salary, in the form of mandatory pretax contributions made by the University and by eligible academic appointees to the University of California Tax Deferred 403(b) Plan ('403(b) Plan')." 

See the systemwide Academic Appointee Summer Salary Benefit brochure for more details.

Payments from University Extension are excluded.

A description of this program is included in APM 190, appendix G.

Summer Compensation During Leave Without Pay

An employee who is on an approved leave without pay for the Fall quarter, the pay period dates of which overlap the summer period (i.e. fall quarter leave without pay 7/1/0x-10/31/0x), may still receive additional summer compensation for that period. The departmental payroll representative must call the Payroll Office or the Academic Personnel Office to ensure correct payment of the summer compensation.

Faculty Recruitment Allowances

 Deans Offices will now authorize Faculty Recruitment Allowance Payments (FRAP).  There is no backup needed as long as the faculty member states they will use the funds for housing costs, child care or education/tuition expenses.  The authority to approve offering a FRAP hasn't changed, just the payment process.  Departments and or deans will be informing their faculty of these FRAP changes.

 FRAPs may no longer be paid prior to the hire date under any circumstances.  FRAP payments will be issued on the employee’s next regular check according to pay processing schedules. The issuance of an off-cycle FRAP payment is now very limited. Off-cycle checks may only be requested in circumstances where an individual needs the funds immediately for housing. An off-cycle check must be specifically requested and requires additional processing time.

Faculty recruitment allowances are not considered covered compensation for purposes of the University’s retirement or employee benefit plans.  Please see Faculty Housing Assistance Programs for additional information.

The Faculty Administrator Program

The Academic Compensation office oversees the Faculty Administrator Program at UCSD.


Faculty Administrators have administrative duties in addition to, or in partial replacement of, their faculty responsibilities. The following Academic Personnel Manual policies apply to Faculty Administrators:

APM 240 - Deans

Applicable to the deans of academic divisions and schools at UCSD.

APM 241 - Faculty Administrators (positions less than 100% time)

Applicable to department chairs, ORU/MRU directors, and select other titles at UCSD.

APM 246: Faculty Administrators (100% time)Applicable to associate vice chancellors, college provosts, directors of major initiatives (e.g., Calit2 and the Supercomputer Center), and certain other titles at UCSD.

Administrative service is expected to be recognized and rewarded, as appropriate, through the academic review process. Only significant administrative service is eligible for cash compensation (e.g., stipend and/or summer salary). No individual may be provided a stipend or summer salary for administrative service without prior approval of the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Please contact Academic Compensation for specific questions related to payroll and stipends.