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Faculty Salary Exchange and Faculty FTE Leverage Programs

The UC San Diego Faculty Salary Exchange Program (FSEP) and the Faculty FTE Leverage Program (FLP) are compensation programs designed to allow Ladder Rank Faculty and Teaching Professors to use eligible external fund sources for either in residence salary exchange with state (core) funds (FSEP) or a course buyout during an academic quarter to allow for additional time for research (FLP).  See more details below.


Ladder Rank Faculty and Teaching Professors are eligible to request FSEP and FLP at UC San Diego.

How to Apply

Please refer to your school's guidelines first and ask your AP Contact or Fund Manager to initiate a Kuali Faculty Salary Exchange/Leverage Program Request to secure approvals.

Faculty FTE Leverage Program Guidelines

The Faculty FTE Leverage Program (FLP) is a course buyout program enabling faculty members in active service to expand the time available during a quarter for their research and other scholarly duties.

Faculty may use extramural salary support to buy-out up to two courses per year at the rate of one-third of the annual academic-year salary (1/6th for one course).

Only one course may be bought out per quarter.

Any two course buyout requested during a single quarter is an exception to policy, requires Executive Vice Chancellor approval, and will result in no sabbatical credit accrual during the impacted quarter.

100% of the state-funded (core) salary dollars released by the course buy-out will be retained by the department.

The first call on the released funds will be replacement of unmet teaching needs.

Participants in the program must teach at least two courses during the year of the course buy- out, one of which must be an undergraduate course.

Participants in the program are expected to remain in residence for the duration of the course buy-out and continue to be fully engaged in the normal range of service commitments to the department, campus, and profession.

The program may not be used in conjunction with sabbatical leave.

Participation in the program is not guaranteed and requires the approval of the department chair, divisional dean, and the Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. 

Approvals of such requests are requested through a Kuali Build FSEP/FLP Request.  See the How To Apply Drawer above.

Schools may create additional restrictions on the use of this program.

Department Fund Managers are responsible for ensuring eligible funds will be used.

Requests must be submitted at minimum 30 days before the start of the pay period for the quarter affected.  The pay period of course buyouts must coincide with quarterly pay periods.

Faculty Salary Exchange Program Guidelines

The Faculty Salary Exchange Program (FSEP) is a program enabling faculty members to use extramural salary to pay part of their state funded (core) salary per academic year and receive a released salary draw-off for flexible alternate use, as stipulated in their School's guidelines.  Requests must be received by APS at minimum 30 days before the start of the pay period for the quarter affected and before the GCCP Application Deadline the previous May for those participating in GCCP the subsequent year.  Schools may post earlier deadlines to facilitate departments meeting these timelines.

The overarching expectations that apply to all FSEP use requests are as follows:

1) Participation in FSEP will not reduce the teaching or service commitments of the faculty member.

2) Compensated effort from extramural sources should not exceed 50% time during any academic year. 

3) FSEP may not be taken during a leave since FSEP, by design, is a program that requires active service and no teaching relief, which is incompatible with the no service expecations during a planned leave. In addition, the released fund percentage during an approved FSEP differ from released fund factors during other leaves due to the in residence active service and teaching expected. 

4) Faculty wishing to participate must obtain the Department Chair's approval and School Dean approval, with a final approval from the Senior Associate Vice Chancellor - Academic Affairs.

5) Current policies governing the retention and use of faculty salary savings will continue to apply to other faculty released funds.

6) Extramural funds will be responsible for benefits charges for the pay they replace. 

7) Schools may create additional restrictions at any time. 

School Guideline Pages

If your School is not represented by the below links, please check with your School Dean's Office for guidance.

Jacobs School of Engineering

School of Social Sciences