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AP Recruit 

AP Online Recruit is the UC Systemwide applicant tracking system for academic recruitment used at all UC Campuses. This platform accepts, reviews, and evaluates applications and tracks all the documents and reports related to each academic recruitment or waiver. Division staff and faculty manage the academic recruitment process and retain records of the recruitment on AP Recruit (Recruit).

Access the Recruit application.

To access Recruit, users must have Single Sign-On (SSO) access, UC San Diego’s authentication system for the campus community. For help

To become a recruit analyst in AP Recruit, the supervisor of the department analyst will need to fill out the Request for Access Form. The department analyst will need to complete the OARS e-Course on UC Learning (including the quiz at the end), follow the exercises on the Recruit Training Site, and submit a confirmation email from their supervisor that the training has been completed. OARS will then assess the business need for access and work with AP Recruit. Contact OARS at for any questions. Analysts will be expected to attend a compliance training every three years to maintain their access.

Online Training

OARS Recruit System eCourse

  • eCourse, 1 Hour, Code 06SEDOARSRECRUIT
  • Can be taken any time on UC Learning

As part of our commitment to bringing effective resources to our colleagues, the Office of Academic Recruitment has produced this e-learning course to provide foundational instruction on academic recruitment and introductory/intermediate skills utilizing the AP Recruit System. The intended audience for this class are those who are at the Beginner/Intermediate skill level with any of the covered topics. Attendees can take this as often as they would like for refresher purposes if needed. This e-course was produced in collaboration with UC Irvine and includes examples from within the UC Irvine Recruit System. Nonetheless, the system will behave very similarly to UC San Diego Recruit.

 UC San Diego Academic Recruitment Transcript

AP Recruit Manual

AP Recruit user manual is a comprehensive guide to the functions of the AP Recruit system. The manual will be updated periodically.

UC Policies on Equal Opportunity

UC San Diego has kep policies and procedures cover Anti-Discrimination and Disability which are outlined and listed below. 


All user guides and videos for UC San Diego specific processes were created by OARS team. Should you need further clarification on any of the processes please email with "Recruit System Training" in the subject line.