Inter-Location One-Time Payments (OTP) and Multi-Location Appointments (MLA)
Please follow the below guidelines for processing One-Time Payment requests (honoraria) and Multi-Location agreements for multi-campus approvals and entry in to UCPath.
Please note: Per the 2/3/23 memo shared with the campus Academic Personnel, HR and Payroll Offices, a new combined MLA/OTP form has been published on UCnet at this link. The form may be used now. There will be a grace period from 3/1/23-5/31/23 during which UCPath will continue to accept the previous MLA form if submitted as supporting documentation for UCPath template transactions. The updated form is also accessible in the UCPath forms library.
Honoraria and One-time Payment - Overview
What are Inter-location Honoraria and One-Time Payments?
An Inter-Location One-Time Payment (OTP) is used to issue an honorarium or payment for an employee whose primary appointment is at another campus (Home Location) but who performs a job/task at UC San Diego (Host Location).
Honoraria are generally used for campus-sponsored program reviews, concerts/creative works, talks and lectures, Grand Rounds (HSCP), and other eligible one-time, by agreement work performed at an alternate UC Campus. Other One-Time Payment activities include non-LLNL faculty consulting agreements, established award program payments or prizes, UC Press payments, and UNEX Speaker or Course Author appointments.
It is rare that an honorarium is approved for service on the home campus. Please see policy restrictions below.
When UC San Diego is the Home Location campus for work performed at another campus, the UC San Diego Academic Personnel Services Office reviews and approves completed forms. Host Locations are responsible for the UCPath entries.
What Funding Sources May Be Used?
For honoraria, State funds may not be used but, at UCSD, core funds may be used.
Gifts, endowments, and other unrestricted funds may also be used.
What is the Process?
After determining a payment is appropriate per policy, the host campus contact fills out and routes a form to the Host Academic Personnel Services Office. The Host Academic Personnel Services Office reviews and approves then routes to the Home Academic Personnel Services Office for final approval.
When we are the Home Location, all one time payments for UC San Diego graduate students will also require signature by the Office of the Dean of the Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs. Requests related to Postdoctoral appointees will be vetted by an analyst at the Office of Postdoctoral Scholar Affairs.
After necessary approvals are secured from both campuses, the host department enters required UCPath transactions.
Please note: If UC San Diego is the Host Location and an honorarium requires Chancellor's Approval, the UC San Diego host location contact must complete and submit an Honoraria Proposed at or Above Chancellor's Approval Level: Amount Justification Form to the campus Academic Personnel Services Office simultaneously with their completed One-time payment form.
Who Issues Payment?
For active employees, the Host Location will use UCPath to issue the payment.
For former employees, payments are sometimes allowed via Disbursements but require review on a case-by-case basis.
Who are My Campus Contacts?
At UC San Diego, Academic Personnel will serve as the Host/Home Personnel Office for academic appointees.
Campus Human Resources will serve as the Host/Home Personnel Office for general campus and SIO staff titles.
Contact for Academic approvals: Heather Zion (
Contact for GC/SIO Staff approvals: Liz Duenas (
Contact for Health Sciences MSP Staff Physicians: Adriana Long (
Other Health Sciences Staff MLAs/OTPs must be reviewed by Erica Keller (
Honoraria - Approval Authority
Honoraria are approved with a maximum per event
When UC San Diego is the host campus, the following approval authority levels apply.
EVC | $0-$2500 per event |
Chancellor | $2501-$5000 per event |
UCOP Provost/Executive VP for Academic Affairs | >$5000 per event |
Note: If an honorarium requires Chancellor's Authority Approval or above, please submit an Honoraria Proposed at or Above Chancellor's Approval Level: Amount Justification Form to the campus Academic Personnel Services Office, as well as a completed One-time payment form.
Honoraria - Eligibility
Check Whether Your Activity is Eligible for Honoraria
- For represented academic appointees, consult related UC Memoranda of Understanding.
- Review the APM 666 to ensure the activity you intend to request honoraria for is permitted under systemwide policy.
UC San Diego as Host Campus |
UC San Diego as Home Campus |
Seminars, Lectures or Campus-Sponsored Program Reviews |
Academic appointees may receive honoraria for seminars, lectures or UC-sponsored program reviews when these activities occur on any campus or location of the University that is not on an appointee's home campus. |
Not Eligible |
Committee service other than for External Review committees and Program Review committees performed by Senate Faculty |
Ineligible |
Ineligible |
University-Sponsored Conferences, Panels and Concerts/Creative Works
University-Sponsored Criteria:
Academic appointees may receive honoraria for concerts or other creative work or for University-sponsored conferences and panels when these activities occur on any campus or location of the University, including the appointee's home campus. |
Eligible |
Honoraria and One-Time Payments - Job Titles, Job Codes, and Earn Codes
Payment Type |
Information & Restrictions |
Eligible Titles |
Applicable Policy |
Annual Limit |
UCPath Job Codes, Titles, and Earn Codes |
Honoraria |
No state general funds. Unrestricted core funds are okay at UC San Diego, as are gift funds, endowment funds, and other unrestricted funds. |
All academic title |
Total honoraria for the year (from all sources) may not exceed 10% of annual salary |
For guest lectures, Lect Misc Part-time*: For all others* Miscellaneous Academic: |
Award or Prize |
Eligible academic titles |
None |
None |
Additional pay on existing job or Job code 003999.
UC Press |
Per UC Press. |
All academic titles |
None |
Additional pay on existing job or Job code 003999. |
Faculty Consultant |
Faculty titles per APM - 110-4-15 |
None |
Job code: 003700 |
Compensation limits by series. See policy. |
All academic titles UNEX job and earn codes apply to active and retired appointees. |
See policy
Job code: 003575 Speaker UNEX—OTP, tend to be one day events. ACX earn code.
Multi-location Appointments - Overview
What are Multi-Location Appointments?
Multi-Location appointments are used for an employee who is employed at one UC campus but is hired to concurrently work at another.
UC San Diego is considered the Host Location when our job is not the appointee's primary job employee, which is housed at another UC Location (Home Location).
UC San Diego is considered the Home Location when our appointee's primary appointment is here but they have another appointment proposed at a Host Location.
Multi-location appointments can happen with partial percentage academic appointments, summer salary, summer session teaching, recalls at other campuses, and other appointments that constitute employment rather than a one-time payment event.
What is the Process?
Pre-requirements, academic policy, and memorandums of understanding for represented appointees are checked by host campus contact to ensure employee is eligible for proposed appointment. A form is filled out and routed, when complete, to the Host Campus Academic Personnel Office. Approval is secured from both campuses. The host department enters the required UCPath transactions.
Note: Long-term MLA appointments may also require an MOU depending on the type of appointment.
Who Issues Payment?
UCPath is used to issue payment.
Who are My Campus Contacts?
At UC San Diego, Academic Personnel will serve as the Host/Home Personnel Office for academic appointees.
Campus Human Resources will serve as the Host/Home Personnel Office for general campus and SIO staff titles.
Contact for Academic approvals: Heather Zion (
Contact for GC/SIO Staff approvals: Liz Duenas (
Contact for Health Sciences MSP Staff Physicians: Adriana Long (
Other Health Sciences Staff MLAs/OTPs must be reviewed by Health HR. Submit a Compensation Inquiry case to Health HR (
Timing and Form Preparation Process for OTP and MLA
One-Time Payments and Honoraria |
Multi-Location Agreements |
Timing |
One-Time Payment requests should be processed at least one month before the date of event (whether we are home or host) so the home campus is aware of the proposed appointment PRIOR to the activity. For academic appointees already paid in UCPath, such payments will require processing by the host campus according to UCPath deadlines and the campus Job Aid.
Multi-Location Agreements should be processed well in advance, preferably months ahead or as soon as the location is aware employment will be offered. Any advance requirements, such as RTAD form processing and/or appointment file approvals should be processed concurrently as these forms are finalized and appointment letters may be release once it is clear there are no impediments to proceeding (e.g. no appointments at other campuses that would cause ineligible appointments at over 100% FTE for active employees or over 43% time for retired recall appointees). |
Approval Process When We Are Host Campus |
Process for Providing Information When We Are Home Campus |
Provide the annual salary rate as needed. When the Host Location has received a finalized copy of the form, they will enter their proposed appointment in UC Path. |
Provide the annual salary rate as needed. When the Host Location has received a finalized copy of the form, they will enter their proposed appointment in UC Path. |