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Academic Personnel Services APS

Academic Personnel Services Staff

The Office of Academic Personnel Services (APS) serves as the central academic personnel office for UC San Diego. Under the leadership of the Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Personnel, APS performs and provides a wide range of academic personnel related functions and services to the UC San Diego General Campus, Institution of Oceanography, and UC San Diego Health Sciences.

Below is a listing of the primary workgroups and their respective members responsible for executing and implementing Academic Personnel policies and initiatives. 


Robert Continetti, Ph.D

Sr. Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs


Marianne L. Beckett

Assistant Vice Chancellor, Academic Personnel 



Academic Advancement & Compensation

The Academic Advancement & Compensation team oversees various academic personnel processes including Academic Reviews, Leaves, OATS, Recalls, Exception Requests, Unit 18 questions etc. 

The team serves as a resource for leadership and various campus constituents on employment and academic review issues related to academic appointees.



Gabriel Lopez

Sr. Director, Academic Advancement and Compensation 

(858) 534-3654

Heather Pratt

Sr. Academic Personnel Analyst

(858) 534-365



Sr. Academic Personnel Analyst






Nickolaus Erickson

Sr. Academic Personnel Analyst

(858) 534-4497



Nicole Hendricks

Sr. Academic Personnel Analyst

(858) 534-3154




Gladys Leyva

Sr. Academic Personnel Analyst

(858) 534-1912

Jacqueline Caro

Academic Personnel Assistant 



Academic Data & Compensation

The Academic Data & Compensation team provides leadership on the development and implementation of compensation policy, programs, and data initiatives for academics appointees.

Team members serve as liaisons for Office of the President and other UC campuses on system-wide academic compensation and data reporting matters.

They serve as subject matter experts for the UCPath project and coordinate GCCP, faculty administrator stipend approvals, chair's appointments, and FSEP requests. 

Kelly Mahue

Senior Director of Data and Compensation Initiatives

(858) 822-3509



Heather Fowler Zion 

Academic Compensation Analyst for Data and Compensation Initiatives


Tina Mata

Project and Data Services Analyst

(858) 822-3748


Academic Strategy & Policy

The Academic Strategy & Policy team serves as a resource for leadership on the General Campus, SIO, and  Health Sciences in the area of academic employee conduct, employment, policy and labor agreements. 

The team analyzes the nature and substance of academic employment issues such as grievances, complaints and disputes, taking into consideration relevant laws and University policies, and provides guiddance appropriate to each scenario. 


Tara Mallis

Sr. Director, Academic Employee & Labor Relations, Health Sciences

(858) 534-3159



Loriann Ayon

Director, Academic Employee & Labor Relations, General Campus & SIO

(858) 822-4564


Lauren Calton

Academic Complaint Resolution Officer 

(858) 534-1152

Academic Policy, Leaves & Family Programs

The Academic Policy, Leaves & Family Programs team oversees the development and implementation of UC San Diego's academic personnel policies and procedures. 

The team also develops and oversees training programs for all levels of campus clientele and serves as subject matter experts regarding UC/UC San Diego family accommodation policies and family-friendly programs. 

Mindy Schroeder

Sr. Director, Academic Policy, Process & Training

(858) 822-4032



Director, Academic Policy & Family Programs


Academic Recruitment Services

The Academic Recruitment Services team is responsible for reviewing academic recruitment efforts for EEO compliance, developing the Academic Personnel Affirmative Action Plan, and  various reporting initiatives.  

The team assists faculty search committees in using best-practice strategies to develop large, well-qualified, diverse applicant pools for faculty recruitments, and helps to clarify the University’s responsibilities for compliance with federal and state regulations.   


Carla Solomon

Director, Office of Academic Recruitment Services

(858) 534-3623



Chaz DeHerrera

EEO Specialist, Academic Recruitment


(858) 534-7960

Matthew Hoeg

EEO Specialist, Academic Recruitment

(858) 246-0490


Academic Personnel Administrative Staff

The Academic Personnel Administrative team provides support to the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Personnel as well as Academic Personnel Services in general.    

The team is responsible for a variety of projects and communications related to academic personnel and are responsible for the management of the five-year review process for academic deans, provosts, and other academic administrators who report to the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.


Malika Tiofil

Administrative Analyst

(858) 534-7699

Genie Mulari

Project Policy Analyst

Administrative Reviews 



Academic Personnel Affiliates

Joel Dimsdale

Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychiatry

Faculty Retirement Liaison