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Academic Personnel Services APS

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Guidelines for Processing Specific Compensation Actions

See below for information related to processing actions listed below.

Honoraria/Inter-Location Payments

An honorarium is a payment made to an individual for participation in a University sponsored lecture, seminar, concert or other creative work. Please see Inter-Location One-Time Payments (OTP) and Multi-Location Appointments (MLA) for processing instructions and guidelines.

Intergovernmental Personnel Agreements (IPAs)

What is an IPA?

The purpose of an IPA is to allow an individual to remain on our payroll and benefits while providing service to a government agency. The majority of the individuals working with government agencies pay the appointees directly and thus no IPA is necessary.

How is an IPA initiated?

Academic employees and departments will work directly with the funding agency and the Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA) to draft IPA agreements. The employee and/or department (whoever is communicating directly with the funding agency) is responsible for notifying the funding agency of the following UCSD guidelines:

IPA Guidelines

Pay periods should adhere to the individual’s normal pay basis (e.g. 09/12 or 11/12)

In exceptional circumstances (e.g. the funding agency insists on paying according to the employee’s actual service period), Academic Compensation may authorize the employee’s normal 09/12 pay structure to be temporarily changed to a 09/09 basis.

Standard academic compensation limits apply:

  • IPA pay rate may not exceed the individual’s normal monthly pay rate
  • Up to 3/9ths additional summer compensation may be paid to an academic-year appointee under the IPA (no additional compensation may be paid to a fiscal-year appointee)
  • Salary increases due to merit, promotion, and/or range adjustment should be included in the IPA budget

Review and Approval Process

Prior to final approval, OCGA will forward the IPA agreement to the Director of Academic Compensation for review. Academic Compensation will verify the employee’s compensation, the pay versus service dates of the contract, and any other pertinent information. The Director of Academic Compensation will:

  • Request changes to the agreement, if necessary
  • Notify the cognizant Dean’s Office that the IPA has been processed
  • Obtain the approval signature of the EVCAA

Payroll and Leave Processing Procedures

Professorial appointees will be temporarily switched to the appropriate research title in the Payroll/Personnel System (PPS) and the IPA fund will be used on the associated pay distribution. A regular staffing distribution must be added to the professorial appointment to hold the FTE if one does not already exist.

Academic employees in research titles will remain on their normal title in PPS and the IPA fund will be used on the associated pay distribution.

IPA agreements should be processed as a leave with pay if the individual will not be available to teach or perform University service (appropriate in cases where the individual is working 100% for the agency). The department must submit a leave request (ALAS form) to the cognizant Dean. The ALAS form must be finalized before the EVCAA will approve the IPA agreement.

Approval Authority

The Executive Vice Chancellor-Academic Affairs has authority for IPAs involving academic employees on the general campus and at SIO.

The Vice Chancellor-Health Sciences has authority for IPAs involving academic employees in the Health Sciences.

The Vice Chancellor-Research has authority for IPAs involving Postdoctoral Scholars.

Rev: 11/09

Relocation and Moving Expenses

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Recall to Active Duty

All academic recall appointments must be submitted electronically via the RTAD Kuali form.

Please visit the APS Kuali Build Application and Guidance webpage for additional information.