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Academic Personnel Services APS

Portal for Links to Campus-wide Leadership and Development Opportunities

UC San Diego has a wealth of ongoing leadership and development opportunities available for current faculty, with content offered by Academic Affairs, EDI’s Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion, the Health Sciences Office of Faculty Affairs, Rady School of Management, and other campus offices, programs, and divisions. Whether geared toward developing leaders or improving pedagogy, UC San Diego offers many strong programs to help faculty succeed.

See below, by facilitator, and topic, the faculty development courses and resources currently available. Departments, divisions, and units are invited to send links to Gabriel Lopez at anytime if additional standing programs are developed.

Development Links by Topic

Visit Development Links by Topic for a breakdown of resources by types of development.

Junior Faculty Development Resources

Please see below, by coordinating office, the development resources available for junior faculty:

Faculty Mentoring and Coaching

With the support of a UC Office of the President Advancing Faculty Diversity Grant, the Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion is offering leadership and peer group mentoring for faculty at different stages of their life and career. These programs are one of several pilot efforts to advance the retention, wellbeing, and advancement of a diverse faculty at UC San Diego. They are meant to enhance mentoring within departments and with assigned mentors.

Visit the Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion webpage for additional information. 

Academic Personnel Faculty Career Development Program

The Faculty Career Development Program is open to Assistant Professors with Academic Senate membership who have been in their series for at least one year by the application deadline. General campus applicants may request funding for release from the teaching of one to two courses in order to allow them time to concentrate their efforts on research or creative activities.  Applicants in the Health Sciences may request release time for clinical duties with comparable funding to course releases offered to general campus appointees.  This program may also provide support for supplies and equipment, salary for an assistant, summer research, travel expenses related to a project, etc. (Applications accepted approximately November through early January)

Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute

For general campus and Health Sciences junior faculty and fellows, research training opportunities for junior faculty include possible AC TRI KL2 Grant Support and a Career Development Award Seminar Series.

Center for Advancing Multidisciplinary Scholarship for Excellence in Education

The Center for Advancing Multidisciplinary Scholarship for Excellence in Education (CAMSEE) is a research, learning, and teaching community focused on undergraduate education. They welcome participation from all members of UC San Diego who wish to contribute their experience and expertise to advance pedagogy and discipline-based educational research, while improving education.  For more information, please visit their website linked above.

Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion

The UC San Diego Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion’s Faculty Development page provides more information on both the NCFDD (see below) offerings and several local programs such as the all-ranks Faculty Networks (Faculty of Color Network, Women’s Faculty Network, and the First Generation Faculty Network) that meet quarterly, applying for the Faculty Leadership in Diversity Grants, a Summer Writing retreat in July, and more.

Especially of interest to junior faculty is the Center's Pathway to Thriving in Academia Program for junior faculty and postdocs. This nine-session seminar series takes place over the course of the academic year. Learn how to become more strategic, efficient, and productive in order to thrive in academia (instead of just surviving!) with PTAP. The Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion has partnered with the Office of Postdoctoral and Visiting Scholar Affairs to bring junior faculty and postdocs a skill-based seminar series covering the key areas of faculty success. 

In addition, the Faculty Mediator program is available, with training provided annually for those interested in volunteering to perform this role on campus.

Division of Physical Sciences: Research Communications Program

The Research Communications Program draws on scholarship in the sciences, science communication, science education, the arts and other fields to provide the guiding theoretical perspective and the practical experience that is critical to communicating effectively with a wide range of audiences, including those with questions or concerns about the methods, findings or implications of scientific research.  Please read more about this program and join their next workshops.

Funding Resources (various offices)

 The UC San Diego Academic Senate sponsors several university-wide grant funding programs where grants can be requested for Senate Faculty and eligible non-Senate research faculty for research related travel and expenses.  These funds are available to General Campus, Health Sciences, and Marine Sciences appointees.

For a good list of opportunities for funding with links to application websites, the Division of Arts and Humanities has compiled a list of funding opportunities

In addition, faculty within the Arts and Humanities can submit proposals for ad hoc funding from the Division, and the Division of Social Sciences also has internal faculty research support opportunities.

For faculty who would like to propose campus development initiatives for climate enhancement that actively promote and engage UC San Diego’s Principles of Community or to request EDI's co-sponsorship for events vents and activities that are designed to foster a more inclusive campus climate, the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion has a Funding Opportunities page.

Another funding resource site of interest may be the UC San Diego Research Intelligence Portal, a resource for the campus community to develop and search faculty profiles, identify new federal funding opportunities, and form research teams. The site is built on technologies developed by the UCSD Division of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2). New Users affiliated with Calit2, UCSD Cancer Center, Center for Energy Research, Center for Networked Systems, Institute for Engineering in Medicine, and/or Scripps Institution of Oceanography's Integrative Oceanography Division and Marine Biology Research Division can with their UCSD Single Sign-On log-in. If you are not in the system yet, click on Register and you’ll be asked to input your UCSD user ID and Single Sign-On password. After registration, go to My Research Profile to learn how to begin building your research profile.

Blink's Funding Opportunities is also a good resource page with access to funding list-serve information and more. 

The UC San Diego Internal Funding and Limited Submissions page is a new source of information about some of the funding opportunities that are managed by UC San Diego, such as the Chancellor's Research Excellence Scholarships (CRES), Center Launch, and limited-submission competitions. You will also find applications for special programs such as faculty awards and leadership training opportunities.

Health Sciences Development Programs

UC San Diego Health Sciences’ Office of Faculty Affairs Professional Development webpage offers not just information about faculty workshops on a range of academic and personal success topics, but also a seven month National Center of Leadership in Academic Medicine (NCLAM) professional development program for junior faculty with a mentoring component and multiple special events throughout the year.

In addition, the Health Sciences at UC San Diego have developed a Health Sciences Faculty Mentor Training Program to support the success of junior faculty and improve their engagement while enhancing senior faculty training in effective mentoring.  This program facilitates the adoption of a formalized faculty mentorship program and offers training for both groups and an end of the year Excellence in Mentoring Celebration.   Events for this program span October to April.

Hellman Fellow Program

Full-time, non-tenured, general campus and Scripps Institution of Oceanography ladder-rank faculty who are approaching their third year of appointment or beyond are eligible for consideration. The Hellman Fellowship Program was established at UC San Diego in 1995 through the generosity of Chris Hellman and the late Warren Hellman. This program is designed to provide up to $50,000.00 of financial support and encouragement to young faculty in the core disciplines who show capacity for great distinction in their research and creative activities. Funds awarded are intended as one-time support for activities that will enhance the individual's progress towards tenure; therefore, prior to receiving a Fellowship, faculty recipients will have served at least two years at the assistant professor rank as evidence of their promise of distinction. Previous Hellman Fellows are ineligible. Funds may be used for *summer salary support, research and laboratory equipment, travel, and other research-related expenses including salaries for students or research assistants, but may not be used to replace faculty salaries during the academic year. (*At the request of the donors, summer salary support should not comprise the majority of the proposed budget).  See the website for more details.

Institute for the Humanities, Early-career Faculty Manuscript Support

By applying for funding from the Early-career Faculty Manuscript Support program UC San Diego ladder-rank faculty in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences nearing completion of  first or second book manuscripts that will feature in their promotion to associate or full professor can request $2,000 ($1,000 for a senior scholar to review the manuscript and provide a written report and $1,000 for the author to cover costs related to coordination with the reviewer or publisher.) toward the goal of development and readiness for tenure.  

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity

Faculty members employed by UC San Diego have access, through the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion’s Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion, to a complimentary membership to the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity’s organizational website.  For more information or to activate your account click here and select UC San Diego as your institution to register for free. 

This membership includes access to webinars on topics about skills for academic appointees such as moving from resistance to writing, overcoming imposter syndrome, finding the joy in academic research, the art of saying no, cultivating mentors, and more relevant topics. 

From an archive course library to work-life resources, this membership has many no cost perks and also allows members to sign up for more intensive programs with longer durations or campus visits with a  focus on thriving in the academic life.  Costs for the later two vary.

Tenure and tenure-track faculty can apply through EDI for financial support to enroll for the NCFDD Faculty Success Program, a 12-week virtual booth camp for faculty who want to learn to increase research productivity, practice time-management, and achieve work/life balance. Faculty who do not wish to request financial support may request to enroll independently via indicating interest to

Rady School of Management Professional Development Opportunities

Faculty may enroll in half- and full-day leadership and professional development courses offered through the Rady School of Management Executive Education Program.  Enrollment is through the UC Learning Center and is on a space-available basis.  Participants who successfully enroll through the UC Learning Center will be eligible for the reduced course rate.  Single Sign-On account required.  Full descriptions of the courses are available.

Research Affairs - Research Compliance Training

The UC San Diego Office of Research Affairs provides a variety of training classes and workshops for faculty and researchers on research compliance.  Faculty can learn more about required and recommended training for not only themselves, but for others who may work on various sponsored projects with them. 

Staff Education Development Resources and Courses

UC San Diego Staff Education and Development provides information on the system-wide Gartner Resources for all UC employees.  These resources include training on leadership and development via four Leadership Councils employees can toggle between after creating individual log-ins.  Content includes webinars, 360 assessment tools, a course content library, job aid templates, access to best practices studies, and research services for members.  Access can be set up in only a moment.

Staff Education and Development also offers some programming that faculty can enroll for such as programming from the Rady School  about mindful productivity, leading across generations, and difficult conversations.  Visit the Staff Education Upcoming Training and Events calendar to access deep links with registration information you may review after logging into the Learning Center.

Teaching+Learning Commons

The UC San Diego Teaching+Learning Commons is dedicated to helping faculty at UC San Diego innovate in the classroom.  From a quarterly course design studio course of three 8 hour days to ongoing teaching and scholarship workshops, the Teaching+Learning Commons offers many development opportunities for faculty to thrive in their pedagogy.  In addition, T+LC also offers events like a new faculty orientation in September and additional support opportunities via ongoing conversations about teaching, one on one consultations, a fellowship program, a classroom observation opportunity, and more. Visit their Programs for Faculty page for more information and check out the Engaged Teaching Hub calendar for Upcoming Events. The Teaching+Learning Commons also offers an English Language Program for International Instructors and targeted information for effective teaching for diverse learners.

UC Humanities Research Institute

The University of California Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI) offers many system-wide funding and development opportunities that support collaborations between faculty members and individual professional development.  Take a look at the UCHRI Grants page to see funding and collaboration opportunities offered. 

Of specific interest to junior faculty is the Junior Faculty Manuscript Workshop.  Applications for this program tend to be due in March, with decisions made by May. The Junior Faculty Manuscript Workshop Grant provides financial resources to a junior faculty member to convene a one to two-day workshop aimed at preparing their book manuscript for submission to a publisher. The purpose of this workshop is to provide junior UC faculty with quality feedback from experts in the field on a first full draft of a pre-tenure book manuscript in preparation for submission to a publisher for a contract or for publication (the draft must include versions of every chapter to be included in the final book). Based upon successful national models, the workshop serves as an opportunity to convene experts in the field (typically around five discussants, including one or two non-UC experts) to contribute to the intellectual development of the manuscript.   Please see the website for details about how to apply.

Mid-Level Faculty Development Resources

Please see below, by coordinating office, the development resources available for mid-level faculty:

Academic Personnel Leadership Training Programs

In partnership with the EVC’s office and the Division of Academic Affairs, the Office of Academic Personnel Services has several faculty development programs designed to assist faculty in gaining vital leadership skills to advance in their professional careers.  Visit the APS Faculty Development page to learn about signing up for the one-day Associate Professor Leadership Development program designed in collaboration with the Rady School of Management (February).

Center for Advancing Multidisciplinary Scholarship for Excellence in Education

The Center for Advancing Multidisciplinary Scholarship for Excellence in Education (CAMSEE) is a research, learning, and teaching community focused on undergraduate education. They welcome participation from all members of UC San Diego who wish to contribute their experience and expertise to advance pedagogy and discipline-based educational research, while improving education.  For more information, please visit their website linked above.

Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion

The UC San Diego Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion’s Faculty Development page provides information on quite a few programs available. These include opportunities for funding, grants, and more.

In addition, vi CFDI, the Faculty Mediator program is available, with training provided annually for those interested in volunteering to perform this role on campus. 

Division of Physical Sciences: Research Communications Program

The Research Communications Program draws on scholarship in the sciences, science communication, science education, the arts and other fields to provide the guiding theoretical perspective and the practical experience that is critical to communicating effectively with a wide range of audiences, including those with questions or concerns about the methods, findings or implications of scientific research.  Please read more about this program and join their next workshops.

Funding Resources (various offices)

 The UC San Diego Academic Senate sponsors several university-wide grant funding programs where grants can be requested for Senate Faculty and eligible non-Senate research faculty for research related travel and expenses.  These funds are available to General Campus, Health Sciences, and Marine Sciences appointees.

For a good list of opportunities for funding with links to application websites, the Division of Arts and Humanities has compiled a list of internal and external funding opportunities by deadline. 

In addition, faculty within the Arts and Humanities can submit proposals for ad hoc funding from the Division, and the Division of Division of Social Sciences also has internal faculty research support opportunities.

For faculty who would like to propose campus development initiatives for climate enhancement that actively promote and engage UC San Diego’s Principles of Community or to request EDI's co-sponsorship for events vents and activities that are designed to foster a more inclusive campus climate, the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion has a Funding Opportunities page.

Another funding resource site of interest may be the UC San Diego Research Intelligence Portal, a resource for the campus community to develop and search faculty profiles, identify new federal funding opportunities, and form research teams. The site is built on technologies developed by the UCSD Division of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2). New Users affiliated with Calit2, UCSD Cancer Center, Center for Energy Research, Center for Networked Systems, Institute for Engineering in Medicine, and/or Scripps Institution of Oceanography's Integrative Oceanography Division and Marine Biology Research Division can with their UCSD Single Sign-On log-in. If you are not in the system yet, click on Register and you’ll be asked to input your UCSD user ID and Single Sign-On password. After registration, go to My Research Profile to learn how to begin building your research profile.

Blink's Funding Opportunities is also a good resource page with access to funding list-serve information and more. 

The UC San Diego Internal Funding and Limited Submissions page is a new source of information about some of the funding opportunities that are managed by UC San Diego, such as the Chancellor's Research Excellence Scholarships (CRES), Center Launch, and limited-submission competitions. You will also find applications for special programs such as faculty awards and leadership training opportunities.

Health Sciences Development Programs

UC San Diego Health Sciences’ Office of Faculty Affairs Professional Development webpage offers information about annual faculty workshops, one of which on promotion from mid-level to full, as well as others on a range of valuable topics. In addition, the Health Sciences at UC San Diego have developed a Health Sciences Faculty Mentor Training Program where senior faculty at the Associate and full Professor level are trained in effective mentoring to support the success of junior faculty and improve their engagement.

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity

Faculty members employed by UC San Diego have access, through the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion’s Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion, to a complimentary membership to the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity’s organizational website.  For more information or to activate your account click here and select UC San Diego as your institution to register for free. 

This membership includes access to webinars on topics about skills for academic appointees such as moving from resistance to writing, overcoming imposter syndrome, finding the joy in academic research, the art of saying no, cultivating mentors, and more relevant topics. 

From an archive course library to work-life resources, this membership has many no cost perks and also allows members to sign up for more intensive programs with longer durations or campus visits with a  focus on thriving in the academic life.  Costs for the later two vary.

Tenure and tenure-track faculty can apply through EDI for financial support to enroll for the NCFDD Faculty Success Program, a 12-week virtual booth camp for faculty who want to learn to increase research productivity, practice time-management, and achieve work/life balance. Faculty who do not wish to request financial support may request to enroll independently via indicating interest to

Rady School of Management Professional Development Opportunities

Faculty may enroll in half- and full-day leadership and professional development courses offered through the Rady School of Management Executive Education Program.  Enrollment is through the UC Learning Center and is on a space-available basis.  Participants who successfully enroll through the UC Learning Center will be eligible for the reduced course rate.  Single Sign-On account required.  Full descriptions of the courses are available.

Research Affairs - Research Compliance Training

The UC San Diego Office of Research Affairs provides a variety of training classes and workshops for faculty and researchers on research compliance.  Faculty can learn more about required and recommended training for not only themselves, but for others who may work on various sponsored projects with them. 

Staff Education Development Resources and Courses

UC San Diego Staff Education and Development provides information on the system-wide Gartner Resources for all UC employees.  These resources include training on leadership and development via four Leadership Councils employees can toggle between after creating individual log-ins.  Content includes webinars, 360 assessment tools, a course content library, job aid templates, access to best practices studies, and research services for members.  Access can be set up in only a moment.

Staff Education and Development also offers some programming that faculty can enroll for such as programming from the Rady School  about mindful productivity, leading across generations, and difficult conversations.  Visit the Staff Education Upcoming Training and Events calendar to access deep links with registration information you may review after logging into the Learning Center.

Teaching+Learning Commons

The UC San Diego Teaching+Learning Commons is dedicated to helping faculty at UC San Diego innovate in the classroom.  From a quarterly course design studio course of three 8 hour days to ongoing teaching and scholarship workshops, the Teaching+Learning Commons offers many development opportunities for faculty to thrive in their pedagogy.  In addition, T+LC also offers events like a new faculty orientation in September and additional support opportunities via ongoing conversations about teaching, one on one consultations, a fellowship program, a classroom observation opportunity, and more. Visit their Programs for Faculty page for more information and check out the Engaged Teaching Hub calendar for Upcoming Events. The Teaching+Learning Commons also offers an English Language Program for International Instructors and targeted information for effective teaching for diverse learners.

UC Humanities Research Institute Opportunities

The University of California Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI) offers many system-wide funding and development opportunities that support collaborations between faculty members and individual professional development.  Take a look at the UCHRI Grants page to see funding and collaboration opportunities offered. 

Senior Faculty Development Resources

Please see below, by coordinating office, the development resources available for senior faculty:

Academic Personnel Leadership Training Programs

Senior faculty members on general campus or at SIO who have taken on roles as Department Chairs are invited to participate in the quarterly Department Chair Workshops that cover important topics to campus leaders in academic roles.  These quarterly workshops provide faculty with current information on high priority topics for the University including strategic planning, budget strategies, fundraising, faculty recruitment and diversity, and more.  

In addition, also available to general campus and SIO faculty, the multi-day Faculty Leadership Academy (January-May) is open to senior Senate faculty who may not yet serve in an administrative role but would like to acquire the skills for leadership needed to provide guidance to their departments or units.  

Center for Advancing Multidisciplinary Scholarship for Excellence in Education

The Center for Advancing Multidisciplinary Scholarship for Excellence in Education (CAMSEE) is a research, learning, and teaching community focused on undergraduate education. They welcome participation from all members of UC San Diego who wish to contribute their experience and expertise to advance pedagogy and discipline-based educational research, while improving education.  For more information, please visit their website linked above.

Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion

The UC San Diego Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion’s Faculty Development page provides information on quite a few programs available. These include opportunities for funding, grants, and more.

In addition, via CFDI, the Faculty Mediator program is available, with training provided annually for those interested in volunteering to perform this role on campus.

Division of Physical Sciences: Research Communications Program

The Research Communications Program draws on scholarship in the sciences, science communication, science education, the arts and other fields to provide the guiding theoretical perspective and the practical experience that is critical to communicating effectively with a wide range of audiences, including those with questions or concerns about the methods, findings or implications of scientific research.  Please read more about this program and join their next workshops.

Funding Resources (various offices)

 The UC San Diego Academic Senate sponsors several university-wide grant funding programs where grants can be requested for Senate Faculty and eligible non-Senate research faculty for research related travel and expenses.  These funds are available to General Campus, Health Sciences, and Marine Sciences appointees.

For a good list of opportunities for funding with links to application websites, the Division of Arts and Humanities has compiled a list of internal and external funding opportunities by deadline. 

In addition, faculty within the Arts and Humanities can submit proposals for ad hoc funding from the Division, and the Division of Social Sciences also has internal faculty research support opportunities.

For faculty who would like to propose campus development initiatives for climate enhancement that actively promote and engage UC San Diego’s Principles of Community or to request EDI's co-sponsorship for events vents and activities that are designed to foster a more inclusive campus climate, the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion has a Funding Opportunities page.

Another funding resource site of interest may be the UC San Diego Research Intelligence Portal, a resource for the campus community to develop and search faculty profiles, identify new federal funding opportunities, and form research teams. The site is built on technologies developed by the UCSD Division of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2). New Users affiliated with Calit2, UCSD Cancer Center, Center for Energy Research, Center for Networked Systems, Institute for Engineering in Medicine, and/or Scripps Institution of Oceanography's Integrative Oceanography Division and Marine Biology Research Division can with their UCSD Single Sign-On log-in. If you are not in the system yet, click on Register and you’ll be asked to input your UCSD user ID and Single Sign-On password. After registration, go to My Research Profile to learn how to begin building your research profile.

Blink's Funding Opportunities is also a good resource page with access to funding list-serve information and more. 

The UC San Diego Internal Funding and Limited Submissions page is a new source of information about some of the funding opportunities that are managed by UC San Diego, such as the Chancellor's Research Excellence Scholarships (CRES), Center Launch, and limited-submission competitions. You will also find applications for special programs such as faculty awards and leadership training opportunities.

Health Sciences Development Programs

UC San Diego Health Sciences’ Office of Faculty Affairs Professional Development webpage offers information about faculty workshops on a range of academic and personal success topics. In addition, the Health Sciences at UC San Diego have developed a Health Sciences Faculty Mentor Training Program to support the success of junior faculty and improve their engagement. Senior faculty at the Associate and full Professor level are trained in effective mentoring.

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity

Faculty members employed by UC San Diego have access, through the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion’s Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion, to a complimentary membership to the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity’s organizational website.  For more information or to activate your account click here and select UC San Diego as your institution to register for free. 

This membership includes access to webinars on topics about skills for academic appointees such as moving from resistance to writing, overcoming imposter syndrome, finding the joy in academic research, the art of saying no, cultivating mentors, and more relevant topics. 

From an archive course library to work-life resources, this membership has many no cost perks and also allows members to sign up for more intensive programs with longer durations or campus visits with a  focus on thriving in the academic life.  Costs for the later two vary.

Tenured and tenure-track faculty can apply through EDI for financial support to enroll for the NCFDD Faculty Success Program, a 12-week virtual booth camp for faculty who want to learn to increase research productivity, practice time-management, and achieve work/life balance. Faculty who do not wish to request financial support may request to enroll independently via indicating interest to

Rady School of Management Professional Development Opportunities

Faculty may enroll in half- and full-day leadership and professional development courses offered through the Rady School of Management Executive Education Program.  Enrollment is through the UC Learning Center and is on a space-available basis.  Participants who successfully enroll through the UC Learning Center will be eligible for the reduced course rate.  Single Sign-On account required.  Full descriptions of the courses are available.

Research Affairs - Research Compliance Training

The UC San Diego Office of Research Affairs provides a variety of training classes and workshops for faculty and researchers on research compliance.  Faculty can learn more about required and recommended training for not only themselves, but for others who may work on various sponsored projects with them. 

Staff Education Development Resources and Courses

UC San Diego Staff Education and Development provides information on the system-wide Gartner Resources for all UC employees.  These resources include training on leadership and development via four Leadership Councils employees can toggle between after creating individual log-ins.  Content includes webinars, 360 assessment tools, a course content library, job aid templates, access to best practices studies, and research services for members.  Access can be set up in only a moment.

Staff Education and Development also offers some programming that faculty can enroll for such as programming from the Rady School  about mindful productivity, leading across generations, and difficult conversations.  Visit the Staff Education Upcoming Training and Events calendar to access deep links with registration information you may review after logging into the Learning Center.

Teaching+Learning Commons

The UC San Diego Teaching+Learning Commons is dedicated to helping faculty at UC San Diego innovate in the classroom.  From a quarterly course design studio course of three 8 hour days to ongoing teaching and scholarship workshops, the Teaching+Learning Commons offers many development opportunities for faculty to thrive in their pedagogy.  In addition, T+LC also offers events like a new faculty orientation in September and additional support opportunities via ongoing conversations about teaching, one on one consultations, a fellowship program, a classroom observation opportunity, and more. Visit their Programs for Faculty page for more information and check out the Engaged Teaching Hub calendar for Upcoming Events. The Teaching+Learning Commons also offers an English Language Program for International Instructors and targeted information for effective teaching for diverse learners.

UC Humanities Research Institute

The University of California Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI) offers many system-wide funding and development opportunities that support collaborations between faculty members and individual professional development.  Take a look at the UCHRI Grants page to see funding and collaboration opportunities offered. 

Required Compliance-Based Training

Please see below, by coordinating office, the required compliance-based training.  

Staff Ed Compliance Management

 UC San Diego faculty require mandatory training in Cyber Security Awareness, Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Prevention, UC Ethical Values and Conduct, and job-specific offerings for academic appointees. To view the courses faculty are responsible for and the frequency of taking them, view Compliance Training: Audiences and Deadlines and drop in on BLINK Compliance and Required Training. Some courses are available as e-courses and others in-person.  

To learn how to access your assigned, required compliance training,  view the BLINK UC Learning Center Learner Guide’s View Your Schedule and Assigned Activities Instructions.

Work/life Resources for Sustainable Excellence

Please see below, by coordinating office, the campus and system-wide resources available to all ranks of appointees.

Academic Personnel, UC San Diego Family Accommodation and Work/Life Programs Curated Page

Faculty interested in professional development are also often interested in maximizing the work/life balance needed to sustain a high-performance academic career.  In addition to the work/life balance resources mentioned above, UC San Diego is also pleased to offer its academic appointees a curated page of family-friendly and work/life programs available locally. Visit the Family-Friendly and Work/Life Programs page for more information.

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity

As mentioned above, faculty members employed by UC San Diego have access, through the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion’s Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion, to a complimentary membership to the NCFDD’s organizational website. In addition to professional development resources, this site has work/life balance resources that will keep faculty feeling connected and rejuvenated while seeking professional success. For more information or to activate your account click here and select UC San Diego as your institution to register. 

UC Course Offerings about Personal Financial Planning

UC calendars for course offerings about personal financial planning toward retirement are available for both General Campus appointees and those in the Health Sciences. In addition, relevant links and information about UC and UC San Diego resources for personal finance management can be found on APS's new Faculty Retirement Resources page. 

UC Work/Life Pages and Initiatives

The new UC Systemwide WellBeing Initiative unites faculty and staff across UC in its mission to improve our collective emotional, financial, nutritional and physical wellbeing. By sponsoring programs, resources, and events, this program aims to provide and make easily accessible to all employees the tools and knowledge needed to lead a healthy and thriving life.
In addition, the UCOP Work/life programs site provides system-wide information on programs and policies that impact and improve work/life balance.