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Academic Personnel Services APS

Shortlist Report

A Shortlist Report provides a snapshot of a recruitment that verifies whether planned outreach efforts were implemented. It measures the effectiveness of the outreach efforts and shows applicants under further consideration for the position. The Shortlist Report must be submitted before the first interview for the position.

The Shortlist Report includes:

  • Complete outreach efforts and uploaded evidences
  • Complete applicant management
  • Documentation that all applicants were reviewed fairly and equally

Upon approval, departments have permission to move forward with further consideration.

Full Recruitment Process – Professor, Assistant Professor, Librarian, Academic Coordinator, In Residence, LSOE, LPSOE, Tenure, Tenure-Track, Ladder-Rank, Clin X, HS Clin

Advertisements – All recruitments must have documentation on all outreach activities that were conducted for the recruitment.
  • Planned vs Actual – The planned advertisements must all be accounted for in the actual search field. If the department decided to use a different outreach resource instead of what was planned, the change must be documented in the actual advertisements field.
  • Tearsheets – Not an invoice. Tearsheets are printed pdfs of the full ad on a website, the email sent through a networking organization or listserv, screenshots of social media postings, pdfs of print media. The tearsheets must match the actual search sources used.
    • The easiest way to get tearsheets is to post through JobElephant who will provide the documentation to upload.
    • These tearsheets must be uploaded into the “evidences of advertisement” field in the advertisements page.

Applicant Status– A part of the documentation required by the OFCCP includes accurately tracking the status and providing dispositioning of the applicants. Within the review window, all applicants must be reviewed, designated if they meet or did not meet basic qualifications, and candidates selected who will still be under consideration or moving onto an interview.

For additional guidance on how to disposition candidates, click HERE

  • A status shows the progression of the applicant through the selection process.
  • A disposition is the determination of the applicant on why they are not moving forward.

The status and disposition should match and tell the story of where a candidate is in the recruitment process. Applicant status at the shortlist breakdown:

  • Complete – applicant has the required documentation and has met the basic qualifications, but is not moving forward in the process. 
    • Tip: use as many disposition reasons as apply. Too many applicants with the same disposition reason is a red flag to an auditor as it appears that the applicants were not evaluated properly.
  • Seriously Considered status – applicant has the required documentation, has met the basic qualifications, and is still under consideration for now. 
    • Disposition comments should reflect why the candidates are listed at serious considered based on the selection criteria. 
  • Recommend for Interview – applicant has the required documentation, has met the basic qualifications, and is recommended for an interview. 
    • Disposition comments should reflect why the candidates are listed at recommend for interview based on the selection criteria. 
  • Withdrawn – applicant has withdrawn themselves from consideration. Analyst will need to upload withdrawal documentation (notification from the applicant that they are withdrawing) to the Documentation tab of the recruitment. 

Availability Evaluation – availability data set up at the Search Plan is used to compare the available workforce against the qualified applicant pool and the shortlist. The goal is to provide a similar sample size of the availability data for consideration.


  • When there is a significant difference between availability, the applicant pool, and she shortlist, this may indicate adverse impact.
    • Adverse impact is defined as a substantially different rate of selection which negatively impacts members of a race, sex, or ethnic group. The shortlist stage is where adverse impact is most easily visible and where intervention is most important.
      • Usually the best ways to address this is to do additional outreach and expand the shortlist pool.
    • It is very important that the committee note and address any issues ahead of any report submission. This can be done by running an Applicant Pool Report which will show aggregated results from the diversity data collected from applicants who qualify for the position.
    • It is far better to keep the applicants under consideration as broad as possible for as long as possible than to have small shortlist pools.
    • If there are any further questions on what can be done, please reach out to OARS for assistance.

Disposition Reasons – The disposition reasons page identifies if there are any missing disposition reasons within a review window. Analyst should double check this page prior to submitting any report.

For additional guidance on how to disposition candidates, click HERE


  • Submission for approval – After the review date has past, the department analyst generates the Shortlist and submits it for approval before any applicants are invited to an interview.
    • The approval workflow will be the same as the Search Plan.
    • Once the dean approves, the department can proceed with the interviews.

Abbreviated Recruitment Process – Postdoctoral Scholars, Specialist, Project Scientist, Research Scientist, Public Program, K-12 Instructor, Continuing Educator, Teacher-University Extension, Adjunct

Abbreviated Recruitments opened after November 1, 2021 do not need to submit Shortlist Reports, but would still need to follow all the steps listed below.

  • Advertisements – All recruitments must have documentation on all outreach activities that were conducted for the recruitment.
    • Planned vs Actual – The planned advertisements must all be accounted for in the actual search field. If the department decided to use a different outreach resource instead of what was planned, the change must be documented in the actual advertisements field.
      • Tearsheets – Not an invoice. Tearsheets are printed pdfs of the full ad on a website, the email sent through a networking organization or listserv, screenshots of social media postings, pdfs of print media. The tearsheets must match the actual search sources used.
        • The easiest way to get tearsheets is to post through JobElephant who will provide the documentation to upload.
        • These tearsheets must be uploaded into the “evidences of advertisement” field in the advertisements page.
  • Applicant Status – A part of the documentation required by the OFCCP includes accurately tracking the status and providing dispositioning of the applicants. Within the review window, all applicants must be reviewed, designated if they meet or did not meet basic qualifications, and candidates selected who will still be under consideration or moving onto an interview.
  • For additional guidance on how to disposition candidates, click HERE 
    • A status shows the progression of the applicant through the selection process.
    • A disposition is the determination of the applicant on why they are not moving forward.
    • The disposition and status should match and indicate where the candidate is at in the recruitment process. Applicant status at the shortlist breakdown:
      • Complete – applicant has the required documentation and has met the basic qualifications, but is not moving forward in the process. This candidate will need a disposition reason based on the selection criteria.
  • Tip: use as many disposition reasons as apply. Too many applicants with the same disposition reason is a red flag to an auditor as it appears that the applicants were not evaluated properly.
      • Seriously Considered status – applicant has the required documentation, has met the basic qualifications, and is still under consideration for now. 
        • Disposition comments should reflect why the candidates are listed at Seriously Considered based on the selection criteria.
      • Recommend for Interview – applicant has the required documentation, has met the basic qualifications, and is recommended for an interview. 
        • Disposition comments should reflect why the candidates are listed at recommend for interview based on the selection criteria.
      • Withdrawn – applicant has withdrawn themselves from consideration. Analyst will need to upload withdrawal documentation (notification from the applicant that they are withdrawing) to the Documentation tab of the recruitment. 
Availability Evaluation – availability data set up at the Search Plan is used to compare the available workforce against the qualified applicant pool and the shortlist. The goal is to provide a similar sample size of the availability data for consideration.


  • When there is a significant difference between availability, the applicant pool, and she shortlist, this may indicate adverse impact.
    • Adverse impact is defined as a substantially different rate of selection which negatively impacts members of a race, sex, or ethnic group. The shortlist stage is where adverse impact is most easily visible and where intervention is most important.
      • Usually the best ways to address this is to do additional outreach and expand the shortlist pool.
    • It is very important that the committee note and address any issues ahead of any report submission. This can be done by running an Applicant Pool Report which will show aggregated results from the diversity data collected from applicants who qualify for the position.
    • It is far better to keep the applicants under consideration as broad as possible for as long as possible than to have small shortlist pools.
    • If there are any further questions on what can be done, please reach out to OARS for assistance.
  • Disposition Reasons – The disposition reasons page identifies if there are any missing disposition reasons within a review window. Analyst should double check this page prior to submitting any report.
    • For additional guidance on how to disposition candidates, click HERE
  • For recruitments created before November 1, 2021: Submission for approval – After the review date has past, the department analyst generates the Shortlist and submits it for approval before any applicants are invited to an interview.
    • The approval workflow will be the same as the Search Plan.
    • Once the dean approves, the department can proceed with the interviews.

Specialty Search Recruitment Process - Chancellor's Joint Initiative, Joint Search

Advertisements – All recruitments must have documentation on all outreach activities that were conducted for the recruitment.
  • Planned vs Actual – The planned advertisements must all be accounted for in the actual search field. If the department decided to use a different outreach resource instead of what was planned, the change must be documented in the actual advertisements field.
    • Tearsheets – Not an invoice. Tearsheets are printed pdfs of the full ad on a website, the email sent through a networking organization or listserv, screenshots of social media postings, pdfs of print media. The tearsheets must match the actual search sources used.
      • The easiest way to get tearsheets is to post through JobElephant who will provide the documentation to upload.
      • These tearsheets must be uploaded into the “evidences of advertisement” field in the advertisements page.
    • Applicant Status – A part of the documentation required by the OFCCP includes accurately tracking the status and providing dispositioning of the applicants. Within the review window, all applicants must be reviewed, designated if they meet or did not meet basic qualifications, and candidates selected who will still be under consideration or moving onto an interview.
      • A status shows the progression of the applicant through the selection process.
      • A disposition is the final determination of the applicant on why they are not moving forward.
    • Applicant status at the shortlist breakdown:
      • Complete – applicant has the required documentation and has met the basic qualifications, but is not moving forward in the process. This candidate will need a disposition reason based on the selection criteria.
    • Tip: use as many disposition reasons as apply. Too many applicants with the same disposition reason is a red flag to an auditor as it appears that the applicants were not evaluated properly.
      • Seriously Considered status – applicant has the required documentation, has met the basic qualifications, and is still under consideration for now.
        • Disposition comments should reflect why the candidates are listed at Seriously Considered based on the selection criteria.
      • Recommend for Interview – applicant has the required documentation, has met the basic qualifications, and is recommended for an interview.
        • Disposition comments should reflect why the candidates are listed at recommend for interview based on the selection criteria.
      • Withdrawn – applicant has withdrawn themselves from consideration. Analyst will need to upload withdrawal documentation (notification from the applicant that they are withdrawing) to the Documentation tab of the recruitment. 
  • Availability Evaluation – availability data set up at the Search Plan is used to compare the available workforce against the qualified applicant pool and the shortlist. The goal is to provide a similar sample size of the availability data for consideration.
  • When there is a significant difference between availability, the applicant pool, and she shortlist, this may indicate adverse impact.
  • Adverse impact is defined as a substantially different rate of selection which negatively impacts members of a race, sex, or ethnic group. The shortlist stage is where adverse impact is most easily visible and where intervention is most important.
    • Usually the best ways to address this is to do additional outreach and expand the shortlist pool.
  • It is very important that the committee note and address any issues ahead of any report submission. This can be done by running an Applicant Pool Report which will show aggregated results from the diversity data collected from applicants who qualify for the position.
  • It is far better to keep the applicants under consideration as broad as possible for as long as possible than to have small shortlist pools.
  • If there are any further questions on what can be done, please reach out to OARS for assistance.
Disposition Reasons – The disposition reasons page identifies if there are any missing disposition reasons within a review window. Analyst should double check this page prior to submitting any report.
    • Submission for approval – After the review date has past, the department analyst generates the Shortlist and submits it for approval before any applicants are invited to an interview.
  • The approval workflow will be the same as the Search Plan.
  • Once the dean approves, the department can proceed with the interviews.