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Academic Personnel Services APS

Courses for Staff

Academic Personnel Services offers a series of courses through Staff Education and Development to assist staff in developing their knowledge and skills in the following areas: academic personnel policies and processes, employee relations, and AP On-Line Recruit.

Staff who complete all required courses in the Academic Personnel Certificate Series can receive Basic and Advanced Academic Personnel certificates via the Academic Personnel Certificate Program. Courses may also be taken individually. Note: Some courses offered do not convey certificate credit.

In addition to the AP Course Certificate Series, Academic Personnel Services is pleased to offer the APS “Learn at Lunch” Series.   The Learn-at-Lunch Series of courses are designed to augment the training provided in the certificate series. Timely topics, offered quarterly, will provide participants with more hands-on learning opportunities.  Topics will be announced in the monthly APS Announcements and on this site.  Enrollment is through the UC Learning Center.

Please click on the course titles below for information about course content and upcoming class dates.  Class times are provided if available; if they are still to be determined (TBD), they will be added at a later date.

Enrollment is available through the UC Learning Center. (UCSD Single Sign-On is required; select "Browse Catalog," then choose "Academic Personnel" under "Academic Policy and Practices.")

APS Learn at Lunch

Upcoming Learn-at-Lunch Opportunities:

 February 23, 2022 - 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. - "Research Compliance and Integrity:  What You Do Not Know Can Hurt You"

This presentation will provide a high level overview of the following areas that the RCI office has oversight and responsibility over:

--Conflict of Interest (COI)

--Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC)

--Export Control and Facility Security

--Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

--Research Ethics and Integrity (Research Misconduct)

--ClinicalTrials.Gov, NIH Good Clinical Practices (GCP) and Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Compliance

--General Research Compliance Activities

Enroll by logging into the UC Learning Center.

Past Learn-at-Lunch Topics:

AP Data-Interfolio Appointment Process Review 

AP Data Refresher

Certifications 101

Family Accommodations, Disability, and Academic Leaves in UCPath

General Campus Compensation Plan (GCCP)

Non-Salaried to Salaried Academic Appointments

Teaching Professors 101

UC San Diego Institutional Reference Checks Pilot Program

WalkMe & UC PATH Academic Transactions

If there is a topic you'd like to see offered for the APS Learn-at-Lunch series, please email Lynn Field-Karsh at




Academic Leaves & Family Accommodations

Intended for: Individuals involved in or wishing to learn more about academic leave policies and procedures and family accommodations for academic appointees.

This course will provide an in-depth look at academic leave policies, preparation of paperwork, and approval authorities, as well as helpful tips, handouts, and exercises.

Topics include:

  • Overview of academic leave policies and procedures, including new COVID-19 Administrative Leave measure
  • Types of academic leaves
  • Forms and materials used in academic leave request preparation
  • Policy resources, including the UCSD Policy and Procedure Manual, the UC Academic Personnel Manual, and the Academic Personnel Services Web page

Class dates, times, and location:

December 2, 2021 - 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Enrollment is available through the UC Learning Center. (UCSD Single Sign-On is required; select "Browse Catalog," then choose "Academic Personnel" under "Academic Policy and Practices.")


Academic Recruitment

Intended for:  Individuals involved in the recruitment process for academic appointments, including analysts and potential search committee members.

These courses provide isntruction to users of all levels involved in managing academic recruitments. 

Topics include:

  • Overview of AP On-Line Recruit
  • How to create a Search Plan, Shortlist Report, Search Report, and Waiver Requests
  • Best practices for conducting academic recruitments

Class dates, times, and location:

 For questions regarding participant eligibility or course content, please contact

Advanced Seminars

Check this page for upcoming Advanced AP Seminars.

Past Advanced Topics Include:

Endowed Chair Review Process


Introduction to Academic Employee Relations

Intended for: Individuals who wish to learn about academic employee relations

This course will provide an introduction to academic employee relations, proactive problem solving, campus resources, and applicable policies. Participants will get a chance to work with frequently seen case scenarios and present their ideas for solutions.

Topics include:

  • Introduction to academic employee relations and managing conflict and complaints
  • Overview of policies, common misconceptions, and related campus offices
  • Tips for proactive problem solving and avoiding process pitfalls
  • Case scenarios for discussion

Upcoming Courses:

  • To be announced


Introduction to Academic Personnel (E-course)

Intended for: Individuals involved in or wishing to learn more about academic personnel.

This course will provide an overview of academic personnel at UC San Diego. Participants will be introduced to the various titles used on this campus, approval authorities, policy resources, and reference materials.

Topics include:

  • General overview of academic personnel
  • Academic titles - definitions of academic series and their related criteria
  • Policy resources, including the UCSD Policy and Procedure Manual, the UC Academic Personnel Manual, and the Academic Personnel Services Web page

By the end of the course, participants will be familiar with basic academic personnel terms and resources.

Class dates & times:

  • Online course

Enrollment is available through the UC Learning Center. (UCSD Single Sign-On is required; select "Browse Catalog," then choose "Academic Personnel" under "Academic Policy and Practices.")

For questions regarding Academic Personnel Classes, please email


Non-Senate Instructional Unit Overview

Intended for: Individuals involved in or wishing to learn more about academic personnel processes for the non-Senate instructional unit (Unit 18).

This course is designed for academic personnel staff who prepare and process appointments for non-Senate facutly (NSF) in their departments or divisions.

Topics include:          

  • NSF appointments
  • Pay, workload, and augmentations for NSF
  • Recent contract changes for NSF

Class dates & times:

  • To be announced

Enrollment is available through the UC Learning Center. (UCSD Single Sign-On is required; select "Browse Catalog," then choose "Academic Personnel" under "Academic Policy and Practices.")

OARS Recruit System eCourse

Intended for: Individuals involved in or wishing to learn more about academic recruitment processing.  This course is recommended for those at the Beginner/Intermediate skill level with any of the covered topics.

As part of our commitment to bringing effective resources to our colleagues, the Office of Academic Recruitment has produced this e-learning course to provide foundational instruction on academic recruitment and introductory/intermediate skills utilizing the APOL-Recruit System.

This e-course was produced in collaboration with UC Irvine and includes examples from within the UC Irvine Recruit System. Nonetheless, the system will behave very similarly to UC San Diego Recruit.

Attendees can take this as often as they would like for refresher purposes if needed.

Topics include:

  • APOL-Recruit System use
  • System navigation
  • General proficiency

Class dates and times:

  • Online course

Enrollment is available through the UC Learning Center. (UCSD Single Sign-On is required; select "Browse Catalog," then choose "Academic Personnel" under "Academic Policy and Practices.")

For questions regarding participant eligibility or course content, please contact

The Academic Appointment Process (E-Course)

Intended for:  Individuals involved in or wishing to learn more about academic appointment file preparation, policies, and procedures.

This course will provide an in-depth look at academic appointment file preparation, including policy resources and procedural guidelines, as well as helpful tips, exercises, and reference materials.

Topics include:

  • Overview of the academic appointment process for the General Campus, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and the Health Sciences
  • File preparation for new appointments (excluding Unit 18 and temporary titles)
  • Definitions of academic series and their related criteria
  • Policy resources, including the UCSD Policy and Procedure Manual, the UC Academic Personnel Manual, and the Academic Personnel Services Web page

By the end of the course, participants will have the information and resources needed in order to assemble academic appointment files that are in compliance with academic personnel policies and procedures.

Class dates and times:

  • Online course

Enrollment is available through the UC Learning Center. (UCSD Single Sign-On is required; select "Browse Catalog," then choose "Academic Personnel" under "Academic Policy and Practices.")

The Academic Review Process (Part I)

Intended for:  Individuals involved in or wishing to learn more about academic review file preparation and review procedures.

This course will provide an in-depth look at academic review file preparation, including policy resources and procedure guidelines, helpful tips, handouts, and exercises.

Topics Include:

  • Overview of the academic review process on the General Campus, at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and in Health Sciences
  • Types of review file actions
  • Forms and materials used in academic review file preparation
  • Policy resources, including the UCSD Policy and Procedure Manual, the UC Academic Personnel Manual, and the Academic Personnel Services Web page
Class dates and times:
  • To be announced

Enrollment is available through the UC Learning Center. (UCSD Single Sign-On is required; select "Browse Catalog," then choose "Academic Personnel" under "Academic Policy and Practices.")

The Academic Review Process (Part II)

Intended for: Individuals involved in or wishing to learn more about academic review file preparation and review procedures.

This course will provide an in-depth look at academic review file preparation, including policy resources and procedure guidelines, helpful tips, handouts, and exercises.

Topics Include:

  • Overview of the academic review process on the General Campus, at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and in Health Sciences
  • Types of review file actions
  • Forms and materials used in academic review file preparation
  • Policy resources, including the UCSD Policy and Procedure Manual, the UC Academic Personnel Manual, and the Academic Personnel Services Web page
Class dates & times:
  • To be announced


Introduction to the BioBib

Intended for:    AP/HR department and divisional staff who would like to learn more about the Biography/Bibliography document.

Course Description:  A critical component of an Academic Review file, the Biography/Bibliography ("Biobib") form lists an academic appointee's accomplishments and other relevant academic information.  In this two-hour course, we will take you through this form for a section-by-section review of content requirements, as well as, formatting and bookmarking in the bibliography.  At the end of this course, participants will be well-equipped to assist their academics in correctly compiling their BioBibs.  

Class dates & times:

To be announced.

Enrollment is available through the UC Learning Center. (UCSD Single Sign-On is required; select "Browse Catalog," then choose "Academic Personnel" under "Academic Policy and Practices.")

APS Training Material Archive

Material related to future and previous APS training sessions  can be accessed by clicking the desired course date and title as displayed below.  Courses are listed in descending chronological order by date.  

Please note accessing training material requires UC San Diego single sign-on credentials: 

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 AP Introductory Documents

December 2, 2021

 Academic Leaves & Family Accommodations

November 17, 2021


September 21, 2021

 AP Data Refresher