Q. Does this change the timeline to tenure?
No. Faculty will still progress towards tenure at the normal rate. Faculty members may refer to the COVID-19 Probationary Period Extension and Academic Deferral Toolkit for additional information.
Q. How does taking CCSP impact my review?
Similar to ASMD, CCMD, and other programs that provide course relief, this program reflects an approved teaching load modification and your review will not be negatively impacted by taking advantage of CCSP. However, pre-tenured and pre-security of employment faculty also must establish a teaching portfolio that provides “clearly demonstrated evidence of high quality teaching.” Faculty wishing to participate in this program will need to balance these considerations and are encouraged to discuss their individual situations with their Department Chair and other faculty mentors.
Q. How are decisions made?
Faculty meeting eligibility requirements will be approved based on fund availability. Exceptions will be escalated to the EVC for final approval.
Q. How can funds be used by Assistant Teaching Professors if taken in support of professional and/or scholarly achievement and activity, including creative activity instead of course release?
The program may provide support for supplies and equipment, salary for an assistant, summer scholarly or professional activity, travel expenses related to a project, etc. The awards are subject to the availability of funds.
Q. Can CCSP be requested and postponed or banked for another academic year?
No. CCSP must be used in either the 2023-24 academic year, or the 2024-25 academic year, unless an exception is approved for the Spring 2023 quarter. Requests must be made for a specific course scheduled in a specific quarter.
Q. What if I take a leave of absence during the academic year in which I am also approved to take CCSP?
Faculty should explore all course relief options related to the type of leave they are taking (such as ASMD, PCFB, FML, etc). Leaves approved after CCSP has been approved may require a faculty member to request an exception to change the pre-approved CCSP, but all CCSP must be taken by June 30, 2025.
Q. Why are LRF not provided the option for research funding instead of teaching relief?
CCSP is intended to support faculty efforts towards advancing research that was delayed or otherwise adversely impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of CCSP is to provide additional time towards these activities. Criteria for teaching faculty is slightly different and course relief is not always possible. The equivalent funding will allow teaching faculty to focus on scholarly achievement and activity, including creative activity while still allowing them to maintain their usually higher teaching loads.
Q. Do Assistant Teaching Professor faculty have the option to take teaching relief instead of funding support?
Yes, Assistant Teaching Professors can elect to request either teaching relief or an equivalent amount to be used for support of professional and/or scholarly achievement and activity, including creative activity.
Q. Is there a deadline to submit the application?
No. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. However, applicants are encouraged to consult with their Department Chairs and or Vice Chairs for education and to start the application process as soon as possible.
Department Chairs are encouraged to set internal deadlines, keeping in mind the timeline needed to ensure course coverage, particularly if the Department will hire a Unit 18 Lecturer (NSF) (see https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/labor/bargaining-units/index.html).
Once funds are depleted, the program will end and applications will no longer be accepted.
Q. What if I know that I want to request course relief, but do not yet know the quarter or the course?
Applications should be submitted for a specific quarter and course in order to allow departments time to plan. Applicants are encouraged to work with their Chairs or applicable department administrator to finalize their plans.
Q. Can Faculty who have previously been approved for CCMD or ASMD take advantage of CCSP?
Maybe. Pre-tenured and pre-security of employment faculty do need to establish a teaching portfolio that provides “clearly demonstrated evidence of high quality teaching.” In addition, as described above, no faculty member may simultaneously use CCSP, CCMD and policy-based ASMD or exceptions to APM 710 for course release in the same quarter and the total amount of combined CCSP, ASMD, CCMD and APM 710 exceptions may not exceed two quarters during any one academic year, excluding the ASMD child-bearing provision which allows up to three quarters of modified duties for the child-bearing appointee.
Q. Does participation in CSSP impact the ability to participate in the General Campus Compensation Plan (GCCP)?
Faculty participating in GCCP must continue to teach their “normal workload”. Please see GCCP FAQ’s for further information.