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Academic Personnel Services APS


On behalf of the Chancellor and the Executive Vice Chancellor, I extend a warm welcome to UC San Diego's new faculty and academic appointees. Please take a look at the many resources this campus offers. We hope to orient you for a long and rewarding career here.

Information for New Faculty

Get to know campus leadership...

Pradeep K. Khosla, Chancellor

The Chancellor provides leadership of UC San Diego for fulfillment of its mission of teaching, research and service to society. Responsibilities that fall within the Chancellor’s Office range from outreach to the San Diego community to fiscal management in accordance with UC and UC San Diego policies.

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Elizabeth H. Simmons, Executive Vice Chancellor

The Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs is the chief academic officer for UC San Diego. In consultation with the San Diego Division of the Academic Senate, the EVC has oversight for academic planning and programming, the development and implementation of academic policy, and the academic personnel process.

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Becky Petitt, Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

The Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) strives to create a campus climate of respect, fairness and cooperation, promoting innovation and leadership by engaging the talents and abilities of all. EDI includes the Campus Community Centers and the Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion.

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Get Social...

Join a New Faculty Network

Looking for community, networking opportunities, or mentoring? Visit the Faculty Development page at the Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion and join an affinity networks for historically underrepresented faculty. Both the Faculty of Color Network and the Women’s Faculty Network meet quarterly and for special events, including the annual Faculty of Color Reception in the fall and the Women’s Faculty Reception in the winter.

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Visit the Faculty Club

The Ida and Cecil Green Faculty Club was founded in 1988 to provide a central place for colleagues and the community to socialize and intellectualize over superb food in a casual atmosphere at the University of California San Diego. The Club offers a variety of desirable and inviting accommodations, including two distinct banquet venues, a landscaped courtyard, enclosed patio, and six private meeting rooms.

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