RPT: Review Promotion & Tenure (Interfolio)
Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT) serves as the Academic Personnel Services' online file system to automate file workflow and allow cases to be routed to the appropriate individuals and committees for review, recommendations, and final action. The system can accommodate candidates with multiple appointments – and can support UC San Diego’s variety of personnel review and appointment processes. Data regarding routing (such as who reviews the file, when it is reviewed, and additions to the file) is also collected and presented in the transparency dashboard so individuals can track the progress of the file. Upon completion of the review, the system moves the completed file materials to an archival storage area so the faculty candidate and appropriate staff can retrieve for future reference.
If you need assistance or have a question related to RPT, please contact Gabe Lopez, Senior Director of Academic Advancement and Compensation at gal037@ucsd.edu.
The below documents are meant to serve as a resources for academics when using RPT:

FAR: Faculty Activity Reporting (Faculty 180)
Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR, Faculty 180) is a digital platform for academic appointees to electronically compile and submit a Biography/Bibliography (Bio/Bib) for use in their academic review.
FAR offers the ability to import activities from UC San Diego systems and from many third party publication databases thereby reducing the need for faculty to manually enter their activities. Importantly FAR offers an appointee the means to enter activity in real time so no one has to ‘remember’ what they did at time of review.
Additionally, FAR lets users generate highly personalized and comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Bio-sketch documents for other uses, such as grant submittal.
If you need assistance or have a question related to FAR, please contact Gabe Lopez, Senior Director of Academic Advancement and Compensation at gal037@ucsd.edu.
The Faculty Activity Reporting Office Hours are meant to provide users and administrators an opportunity to seek guidance, address concerns, and gain insights into optimizing their adoption and use of Faculty Activity Reporting.
Office Hours will be held on a bi-weekly recurrence at 10:00am on the dates listed below via Zoom.
- January 29, 2024
- February 12, 2024
- February 26, 2024
- March 11, 2024
- March 25, 2024
- April 8, 2024
- May 6, 2024
- May 10, 2024
- June 3, 2024
- June 17, 2024
Click here to add these sessions to your calendar.
In cases where users and administrators are unable to attend an office hours session but have a question or concern, please forward your inquiries to Gabe Lopez, Senior Director of Academic Advancement and Compensation at gal037@ucsd.edu.
The below documents are meant to serve as a resources for academics when using FAR: