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Academic Personnel Services APS

Academic Appointee Resources

See below for resources for UC San Diego faculty and academic appointees.

COVID-19 Academic Affairs FAQs and Resources

Visit the UC San Diego hub page for COVID-19 Academic Affairs FAQs and Resources, with links to important updates, FAQs, and other resources for UC San Diego Faculty and Academic Appointees.

Academic Affairs Newsletter

The EVC Office regularly shares updates in a newsletter to all staff in Academic Affairs units and all academics on the general campus. Sign up to subscribe! 

Academic Leaves and Accommodations

The Academic Leaves and Accommodations pages provide guidance for faculty and academic appointees about academic leaves and duties modifications. These pages also link to local and systemwide policy documents about leaves.

Anti-Bullying Resources for Faculty

Faculty Development and Academic Advancement

Visit Faculty Development and Academic Advancement to access the Portal for Links to Campus-wide Leadership and Development Opportunities and several individual facuty development programs housed on the Academic Personnel Services website. We continue to add new content, so drop in frequently.

Faculty Retirement

Faculty Retirement is a dedicated page in place to put UC and UC San Diego retirement-related links and resources.

Family Accommodations

Visit the Academic Personnel Services Family Accommodations suite of webpages to learn about policies and programs available for academic appointees. These pages connect faculty to a wide array of both UC San Diego and systemwide family accommodation and work-life resources.

Unit 18 New Employee Orientation

Information about Unit 18 New Employee Orientations can be found here.

Useful Links for Faculty

Useful Links for Faculty provides links to common campus and systemwide resources for faculty.