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2025-2026 Faculty Career Development Program*

*Applications received and approved in the 2024-2025 Academic Year will be available to be utilized in the 2025-2026 academic year.

The Faculty Career Development Program (FCDP) provides support to current UC San Diego junior faculty to enhance their chances for advancement to the level of Associate Professor (tenured) level. The FCDP recognizes and rewards individuals who have promoted diversity and equal opportunity along with their academic ventures.

All eligible faculty are encouraged to apply. The Faculty Career Development Program does not consider race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories as part of the application and selection process.

The call for proposals is distributed annually. Awards are announced in the spring and implemented in the following academic year. Reports on how award funds were used are required from each awardee at the end of the academic year.

For questions or assistance, please contact

APPLICATION PERIOD:  10/15/2024 - 12/16/2024

FCDP Forms

2025-2026 FCDP Timeline

  • Faculty Application deadline: December 16, 2024
  • Chair Endorsement deadline:  January 10, 2025
  • Awards announced by January 31, 2025
  • Awards use period: July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026
  • Funds spent or returned by June 30, 2026
  • Report for funds due August 1, 2026


All Assistant Professors with Academic Senate membership in one of the named series below for at least one year by the application deadline. The recipient must be at the rank of Assistant Professor when using the award.

  • Ladder-Rank
  • In Residence
  • Clinical X series employed

Application Process

Follow the link above to complete and submit the FCDP Application.  You will need to be prepared to provide the following:

  • An overview of your project proposal
  • A brief description of how the FCDP award would benefit your research program or creative activities and enhance your chances for advancement to the tenured or tenure equivalent level.
  • A brief description of your efforts to promote diversity and equal opportunity at UC San Diego.
  • Project Itemized Budget
  • Description of any current or pending funding you have and why it is not suitable for use as a course buyout (if applicable)
  • Information on any past FCDP awards you may have received
  • Information on whether you will need a leave of absence to complete your project.
  • Your latest UC Diego Academic Biography and Bibliography (BioBib).

Applicants may request funding for release from the teaching of one to two courses to allow time to concentrate their efforts on research or creative activities. The course relief rate to be applied in AY 2025-2026 is ~$9,500 per course (for a maximum of $19,000* for two courses). This is the rate established by the Executive Vice Chancellor-Academic Affairs.

Applicants in the Health Sciences may request release time from clinical duties, and the amount of funding will be comparable to that for course relief on the General Campus, up to a maximum of $19,000*. The program may also provide support for supplies and equipment, salary for an assistant, summer research, travel expenses related to a project, etc. The awards are subject to the availability of funds.

*Note that the actual amount of the award will depend on the number of applications, the number of awards granted, and the merit of the proposal.  Applicants should expect that most awards will be equivalent to a one-course relief.

Selection Process

The Academic Senate Committee on Diversity and Equity, will carefully evaluate proposals for their significance regarding one or more of the following:

  1. The merit of the proposal.
  2. The applicant's efforts to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion, including public service contributions that promote diversity and equal opportunity, student mentoring, curriculum development, research in areas relating to diversity and equal opportunity, or other efforts the applicant may enumerate. (The Academic Personnel Manual, Section 210, item 1.d, states that faculty contributions that promote diversity and equal opportunity should be encouraged and given recognition.
  3. The expected impact of an award on the applicant's research program or creative activities and its potential to enhance his or her chances for advancement to the Associate level.
  4. The obstacles that have hindered research or creative activities, including but are not limited to lack of or inadequacy of available external funding, etc.
  5. The receipt of any previous FCDP award (preference is given to first-time awardees).

Recommendations will then be submitted to the EVCAA for final review and approval.

All applicants will be notified if awarded or not before the new award year.


An FCDP award that provides teaching relief does not relieve the awardee of other department responsibilities and university service. The FCDP is an in-residence program, and the award of an FCDP grant does not confer a leave of absence. Applicants are advised to obtain approval from their department chairs and deans for absences due to FCDP-related research conducted away from campus.

The awardee:

  1. is responsible for the administration of the award;
  2. is personally responsible for any overdrafts; and
  3. must return funds not spent by the end of the award use period.

All awardees are required to provide a detailed report on how funds were expended and how the award assisted the recipient in achieving the goals outlined in the proposal (such as obtaining grant funding, completing research, and/or publication of research). The report can be submitted by using the link above.

Any equipment purchased with a Faculty Career Development Program award becomes the property of the University upon acquisition and reverts to the University upon completion of the project for which the funds were awarded.

All expenditures are subject to applicable University regulations.

Awards must be used during the assigned academic year.

Historical FCDP Request Timelines

2024-2025 FCDP Historical Timeline

  • Application deadline: January 5, 2024  
  • Awards announced January 31, 2024
  • Awards use period: July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025
  • Funds spent or returned by June 30, 2025
  • Report for funds due August 1, 2025

2023-2024 FCDP Historical Timeline

  • Application deadline: February 3, 2023  
  • Awards announced February 2023
  • Awards use period: July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024
  • Funds spent or returned by June 30, 2024
  • Report for funds due August 1, 2024

FCDP Recipients

Congratulations to all our historical FCDP recipients listed below.

2024-2025 Recipients

Alexander Bullen, Medicine

Amy Bintliff, Education Studies

Aram Grigoryan, Economics

Brian Aguado, Bioengineering

Dean Erdmann, Visual Arts

Emily Clem, Linguistics

Fabian Eckert, Economics

Gabriel  Bámgbóṣé, Literature

Gareth Nellis, Political Science

Haijun Xia, Cognitive Science

Jason Fleischer, Cognitive Science

Kelema Moses, Urban Studies & Planning

Lamar Perry, Theatre & Dance

Leslie A Crews, Medicine

Moira Decima, SIO Department

Nydia Pineda De Avila, History

Robert Sanders, Rady School of Management

Rosie Bermudez, History

Steve Wu, Economics 

Vashan Wright, SIO Department

Yatish Turakhia, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Zeinab Jahed, NanoEngineering

2023-2024 Recipients

Amanda Baterseh, Department of Literature

Andrea Mendoza, Department of Literature

Andrew Segade, Department of Visual Arts

Byung'chu Kang, Department of Anthropology

Carol Arcos Herrera, Department of Literature

Claire Meaders, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology

Erik Romano, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Lindsey Powell, Department of Psychology

Michelle Lou, Department of Music

Morgan Levy, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Munseob Lee, School of Global Policy & Strategy

Nick Gong, Department of Sociology

Samuel Elgin, Department of Political Science

2022-2023 Recipients

Anastasia Kiyonaga, Cognitive Science 

Anela Choy, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Ariana Ruiz, Literature

Federica Izzo, Political Science 

Janelle Iglesias, Visual Arts

M. Leslie Santana, Music

Manuel Shvartzberg Carrió, Urban Studies and Planning 

Marcelo G Mattar, Cognitive Science

Maria Carreri, Global Policy & Strategy 

Maria Jose Aragon, Education Studies

Ndapa Nakashole, Computer Science and Engineering

Pengtao Xie, Electrical & Computer Engineering 

Sara Lowes, Economics

Sarah Aarons, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Shabnam Semnani, Structural Engineering

2021-2022 Recipients

Adena Schachner, Department of Psychology 

Agustina S. Paglayan, Department of Political Science & GPS

Amy Eguchi, Department of Education Studies

Caroline Jack, Department of Communication

Christen Sasaki, Department of Ethnic Studies 

Danielle Dean, Department of Visual Arts 

Drew Walker, Department of Cognitive Science 

E.R. Cho, Department of Visual Arts 

Erin Hill, Department of Communication

Jeff Bowman, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Jinhye Bae, Department of NanoEngineering

Jordan Rose, Department of Visual Arts

Jose I. Fuste, Department of Ethnic Studies 

Kathryn Walkiewicz, Department of Literature

Keolu Fox, Department of Anthropology

King James Britt, Department of Music

Michael Joseph Frazier, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Nir Shafir, Department of History 

Pamela Ban, Department of Political Science

Theresa J. Ambo, Department of Education Studies 

Uma Karmarkar, School of Global Policy and Strategy

2020-2021 Recipients

Aftab Jassal, Department of Anthropology

Amanda Solomon Amorao, Thurgood Marshall College

Ameeth Vijay, Department of Literature

April Sutton, Department of Sociology

Jade Power-Sotomayor, Department of Theatre & Dance

James Cooke, Department of Neurobiology

LaGina Gause, Department of Political Science

Lara Rangel, Department of Cognitive Science

Marta Serra-Garcia, Rady School of Management

Michael Yip, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nico Ravanilla, School of Global Policy and Strategy (GPS)

Pinar Yoldas, Department of Visual Arts

Rebecca Chaleff, Department of Theatre & Dance

Shaista Patel, Department of Ethnic Studies

2019-2020 Recipients

Abigail Andrews, Department of Sociology

Alena Williams, Department of Visual Arts

Brandon Som, Department of Literature

Jennifer Chang, Department of Theatre and Dance

Nicole Miller, Department of Visual Arts/Media

Patty Ahn, Department of Communication

Saiba Varma, Department of Anthropology

Teevrat Garg, Department of GPS

2018-2019 Recipients

Caren Walker, Department of Psychology / Social Sciences

Erica Cho, Department of Visual Arts Department, Division of Arts and Humanities

Erin Suzuki, Department of Literature

Hanna Garth, Department of Anthropology/Social Science

Jillian Hernandez, Department of Ethnic Studies and Critical Gender Studies/ Social Science Division

Christopher Oveis, Rady School of Management